
Safe and no side effect can remove melasma

As the saying goes, a white cover three ugly. Since ancient times, is a beautiful snow-white skin, a necessary condition. However, the beauty of the women also faced with "10 women nine spots" dilemma. In order to avoid their becoming "Huanglian Po", freckle many women become "about face" a top priority.
At the same time, large and small whitening program as one of main salons, all kinds of freckle cream, whitening cream is also the banner of "quick impact" the temptation to say women.

For the first freckle "Discrimination spot"

"Freckle can not generalize the rule law freckles have freckles, chloasma melasma treatment there." Beijing Military General Hospital Laser Center beautician Wang Dan said, "want to eliminate the face of the spot, first of all need to know that spot in the end face of what spot. "

According to Wang Dan describes, in general, women face can be divided into types of freckles spots (also known as summer spots), melasma (also known as liver spots), Japanese spot (also known as sunburn), senile plaques and so are several. Of these, freckles and melasma is common.

"Different natural causes different spot." Wang Dan said that freckles are caused by genetic factors, acquired the formation of small, often seen on both sides of the cheeks, nose on both sides; chloasma is more than the acquired factors, liver, spleen, stomach and bad people easy to build, general brown color, massive, and often grows around the eyes, cheeks and sides of forehead; day by the sun spots are caused by many, was light brown, often seen in the cuboid bone; senile plaques are often run by age and physiological , habits and other factors caused, generally over the age of 50 to 55 people in there.

Therefore, Wang Dan to remind, in considering the "freckle plan" before, and understand the true identity of face spots, to understand the causes, treatment up before, "symptomatic."

"Fast freckle" anti-"life plaque"

Popular freckle There are many ways, such as speckle mask, go spot cream and so on. Promotion of these products are often a major selling point for "fast freckle": "speckle 3 days effective," "3-7 days completely eliminate facial dark spots," and so on. Beauty expert in the eyes of these so-called "fast freckle" is just a "skinning" concept --- Most of the products contain corrosive chemicals, in a short time can bleach the skin, making skin look "white "A lot. In fact, these products are only temporarily suppress the surface dark spots on the skin, and did not really play a "freckle" role.

"Use these products on the skin side effect of considerable." Wang Dan pointed out that these products strip the skin surface of the protective film, resulting in the destruction of red blood cells and thin skin, causing skin metabolism liver failure, cuticle thin, the skin condition worse. In severe cases the skin may be red blood, skin, even after the case of cold-hot phenomenon occurs telangiectasia.

Wang Dan describes some of the cases before she had received, some patients because of abuse of products available to grow green freckle brown spots. This is a much more serious than the melasma spot, harder to treat.

"Chinese medicine is useful in wipe chloasma advantage." Expert pointed out that Chinese medicine is a comprehensive conditioning through the body, so that restoration of normal endocrine to achieve the freckle effect. "Endocrine transfer is in order, not only did not face the spot, the body will be other symptoms disappeared, and little rebound." Currently, E Road Group buy on the exclusive of "detoxification pretty skin," is through the endocrine conditioning principle, is a pure natural plant formula, without hormones, antibiotics, ingredients, not cause any harm, there are no side effects, the results were quite good.

However, experts advise, "detoxification pretty skin," though a more reliable method freckle, but not cure the God of medicine, not all customers can achieve the desired goal freckle. For the anxious consumers, must not blindly follow the trend, we must choose carefully. Not one or two days because the freckle thing, can not cherish a sense of urgency and hoping one day to his face two days of light tender as ever.

In addition, many products made for a "complete cure splash" commitment, Wang Dan said that as the individual physical differences, so even with laser therapy can not guarantee the future "will never relapse," so the consumer must not readily believe such a commitment.

