
Eight anti-aging skin care errors

TCM channel network of skin care how you organize anti-aging, please read "Women Skin Care: Eight anti-aging skin care myths"

Every woman wants to be beautiful "witch", try using a variety of skin care products after the failure of many women in the legend with a variety of anti-aging skin care Cheats. The following describes the anti-aging for women Eight Errors.

Misunderstanding 1: anti-aging products in the night to play more effective.

Misunderstanding 2: redness, peeling is the anti-aging skin care in the normal reaction.

Misunderstanding 3: anti-aging face cream that contains ingredients you can through the anti-aging face.

Mistakes 4: anti-aging products contain technology component is very large, so the more expensive the better.

Misunderstanding 5: layers of anti-aging products to their faces painted, make you more effective anti-aging.

Misunderstanding 6: collagen rich face cream to smear the way through to the skin to increase collagen.

Misunderstanding 7: anti-aging products microcrystalline Huanfu much more expensive than the scrub, but there is actually no different.

Mistakes 8: Weekly use of a product or microcrystalline Huanfu acid Huanfu product effect is obvious, it can use every day.

Precautions for cosmetic use

Improper use of cosmetics, skin care not only will not achieve the effect, would lead to "disfigurement." Use in cosmetics should be noted the following points.

One should not be used products from multiple vendors, different manufacturers of cosmetics wipe may cause a chemical reaction. Better to use the same cosmetics manufacturers.

Second, should not use expired cosmetics, cosmetic ingredients will break down a long time, deterioration can easily cause skin diseases.

Third, should not be excessive use of cosmetics, because metabolism of the skin has its own, excessive makeup, will lead to the skin can not "breathe."

Fourth, the pursuit should not be too effective, vigilant of these cosmetic ingredients may contain hormones, should carefully review the components of cosmetics standard column.

5, should not be over-confident of natural products, natural cosmetics also contain allergenic ingredients.

Sixth, do not pick with your finger cosmetics, make-up tools to regular cleaning, should pay attention to hygiene, to avoid cosmetic deterioration.

Spring beauty Multi Diet

Chinese believe that looking and spleen-related, such as acne, acne is due to heat Piansheng spleen; Hudie Ban is due to stagnation and spleen deficiency; surface dull yellow is the spleen qi and blood can not be on the performance of contractors. Spring things Ascending, human spleen also will feature strong. Therefore, the spring beauty in the blood or spleen Shu Shu Gan spleen, promoting blood circulation and the therapeutic contact the best.
Here are several beauty of the therapeutic method.

1. Nest rock sugar porridge: bird's nest with moist skin, blood and beauty of power. 3 grams take bird's nest, rock sugar amount, cook until congee can be eaten like. Ruozai adding 5 grams sweet almond cook, its better cosmetic results.

2. Long Lin egg soup: 15 grams of longan, lotus seeds 50 grams of meat, two eggs, two pieces of ginger, jujube four, a little salt. Steam cooked eggs, peeled, clean water; longan, lotus seed meat, ginger, jujube were washed with water; lotus heart meat to retain the red-brown seeds clothing; ginger, peeled, cut into two pieces; date to go nuclear. Clay pots into the sufficiency of water within the first burning with high flame to the water to boil, then add more material to use in the fire burning about two hours, adding a little salt and serve immediately. Can Ningxin An God, nourishing emollients.

3. Lily jujube Ginkgo soup: 50 grams of lily, red dates 10, ginkgo 50 grams, 300 grams of beef, two slices of ginger, salt a little. Fresh beef washed clean, with a roll after the cut sheets; ginkgo shelled, with flooding to the outer membrane, then rinse; lilies, red dates and ginger were washed with water; dates to the nucleus; ginger peeled Cut two pieces. Clay pots to add appropriate amount of water, first with a raging fire burning to the water to boil, add lily, red dates, gingko and ginger pieces, use the fire to be cooked lily pot, add beef and continue to boil until cooked beef, you can put Salt to taste, Sheng out instant. Have blood and yin, nourish the skin, lungs and Qi, relieves, astringent fine effect.

4. Astragalus brown sugar porridge: AM 30 grams, 100 grams of regular rice, brown sugar 30 grams, 6 grams of dried tangerine peel. Wash sections in APS, into the pot, add some water, boiling to slag juice; will wash clean and japonica rice, and dried tangerine peel, brown sugar into the pot, then pour Astragalus juice, add some water, cook until rice overripe Serve. Brown sugar taste sweet, gentle nature, there is profit and lung, and spleen in aid, slow liver, blood, the effect of Po Yu; Astragalus sweet, warm, with solid form antiperspirant, the role of life care sore; Citrus spicy, bitter , warm, reasonable gas stomach, the role of phlegm dampness. The beauty of the effectiveness of qi zhou for qi and those due to face pale minimalist.

5. Jujube porridge: Take 60 grams of japonica rice, jujube 10, will join the regular rice in the Chinese date, cook until cooked porridge bad dates can be. Jujube is rich in vitamin e, eat porridge jujube, enable people looking rosy, look good.

6. Beauty porridge: 100 grams of rice, chicken soup 1200 ml, Chuanxiong 3 g, Chinese angelica 10 grams, 5 grams of astragalus, safflower 2 grams. Wash the rice clean, with water immersion; Chinese angelica root, astragalus cut into thin slices, together with the saffron into a small bag in; will meter and charge a small bag with porridge poured into the pot, add chicken stock, adequate the fire to boil water, simmer thick, remove bag Serve. The porridge adding qi, blood, blood to Cuba Si Wu Tang-based traditional Chinese medicine, day 1-2 times, while hot to take, to improve the function of the body to increase women's facial skin moist, tender, and the prevention and treatment of diseases affecting both the U.S. looks good.

Beautiful hair tips

To see if you are not one? According to the survey, 91% of women of shampoo and conditioner actions were completed within 15 minutes, and in the beauty salon for 1-2 hours to more than far cry. So, how to do the right shampoo is the way?

Cleaning of the hair, in addition to straight up, the product of choice and the steps to do right, this is the secret of it beautiful. The following set of steps to provide your hair reference:

1, good eating and sleeping habits, which help the body metabolism. Metabolism in normal, healthy hair naturally beautiful. Water is an indispensable essential supplements to remember lots of drinking water.

2, the complete cleaning work:?

Hair shampoo in the palm of your hand before the first bubble can start to rub shampoo, shampoo to avoid injury to the scalp (see, for use shampoo);

When washing his fingers into the hair shampoo, shampoo to make hair fall naturally when, let bubble away naturally by the hair root to the tips of the hair, gently massage the scalp with fingers parts. When to use the flow of flushing clean water, the most vulnerable at this time the hair, do not rub it hard. Better in warm water or cold water temperature, hot water the least desirable because it makes the hair and scalp becomes dry.

3, deep nourishment work:

Deep rinse - rinse can be used to form a protective hair to avoid hair, ironing, and other physical or chemical injury. Water slightly dry hair first, then cast in the tail rinse, rinse after a brief stay; hair care - conditioner can repair damaged hair, isolated UV, should conduct a week, from the scalp Start the conditioner with the palm of the massage, pushing to the tips of the hair, if the need to enhance the moisturizing capabilities, Zeyi towel wrapped hair, make hair conditioner in her hair to stay 10-15 minutes and rinse on it.

4, the correct management of work blowing: wet hair pores, will be open, if the time to comb, comb, hair is easy to hurt, so after washing hair with a towel and gently wipe water first before they can use a hair dryer . Hair, do not be too close to the hair Hair mouth, the most suitable distance of 10-15 cm.