
Beauty guru selection of the best make-up water, 4 strokes

Selection of high-quality make-up water whitening tips

The more viscous the more moisture ◎

A bottle of good make-up water must have a lasting effect and better moisture permeability. In general, the sticky point of make-up water is relatively good moisturizing effect, such as gel-like or gelatinous make-up water, because moisture lotion ingredients usually plant extracts, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, amino acids with the viscous nature components.

◎ moderate degree of concern

Selection of white make-up water should pay attention to whether mild or exciting, because a lot of whitening ingredients can trigger allergic. Whitening lotion composition class usually have: VC, VE, with whitening effect of plant extracts and amino acids. Special Reminder: sensitive skin whitening products should pay attention.

What to eat fruits and summer and beauty and has the best resistance to heat

Lead: these days there are always beautiful women asked, what to eat fruit in summer can be too awkward and beauty and to resolve constipation. In fact it is a long-term constipation problems to cope with many aspects, first, to speak briefly today to address the use of fruit and constipation.

Beauty beauty be transferred within
Although constipation is not a serious illness, but its damage can not be ignored. First, women constipation, affecting beauty. Constipation increases the female body toxins, resulting in body metabolism disorders, endocrine disorders and trace elements are not balanced, so there skin pigmentation, itching, pale minimalist, dry hair and produce melasma, acne and acne.
1 banana

Banana 500 grams, before eating a food finished 1-2 times per day, and even clothes for several days. Indications heat of Secrets.
2 oranges

Citrus is rich in fiber and nutrients, can promote gastrointestinal motility and digestion, but also lowering blood pressure, lower blood pressure. Amount of food has a certain effect.
3 pears

Pears have laxative, diuretic blood pressure. Can be eaten in moderation, to prevent constipation. More suitable for high blood pressure constipation.
4, pomelo

Pomelo both laxative, but also lowering blood pressure, lower blood pressure. Amount of consumption, the effect of a catharsis.
5, Strawberry

Strawberry is not only rich in vitamins, and contains pectin, can moistening fluid, conditioning gastrointestinal, blood fat, preventing constipation.
6, fresh mulberry

Fresh mulberry 1,000 grams, 300 grams of fresh honey, boiled mulberry first 2 times, taking 1000 ml of decoction, slow fire concentrated to thick for the degree, adding honey and cook for a cease-fire boiling, cooling can be bottled. 20 ml per serving, with warm water, the daily 2-3 times. Indications of blood caused by constipation. Old people, better efficacy.
7, other

Peach, red bayberry, dates, watermelon, apricot and other vitamins, and rich in fiber, have the role of prevention and treatment of constipation

Small rough-legged liposuction plastic surgery

Summer, the majority of female friends like to wear skirts, cool, they were feminine, but women wear skirts legs thick, the horizontal shaft to see see, sturdy legs are always a failure of self-confidence to wear skirts in the crowd walked seems to be difficult to achieve the dream, how can we have a slender legs?

Plastic Surgeons, said most of the lower leg of crude fat accumulation caused by the partial, but also some people are caused by muscular, yet some people are fat accumulation and muscular

Both. To identify himself as belonging to that case, simply touch the calf forced to touch the calf fat thickness and muscle patterns to identify their calves are the type of crude.

Solution caused by the accumulation of fat thick legs, reasonable, effective and safe method is the implementation of local absorption of fat absorption, the majority of practice is in the medial ankle or back of knee popliteal to open a 0.5 cm small mouth, playing swelling anesthetics in vitro by ultrasound to break the fat cells, dissolved, with negative pressure to the suction. According to leg fat mass control operation time, generally two legs require a total of 1.5 hours or so. surgical aspiration of the fat cells in vitro, compared with exercise, diet, weight loss drugs and so on, it can significantly reduce the number of fat cells, so patients will not rebound.

"Crude fat legs" liposuction variable "small thin legs"

Plastic Surgeons, said the movement are generally not appropriate to make legs thicker, because the appropriate exercise can reduce subcutaneous fat, so the lower leg and fine; excessive and inappropriate exercise may have over-developed calf muscles, and become thick. On the fat caused by accumulation of thick legs, local fat liposuction more useful, but rough on the calf muscle is not necessarily effective. muscular legs to get rid of the crude is not fat but muscular.

Liposuction should adhere to wear stretch pants after

Liposuction done no absolute contraindications, women should avoid the menstrual period. All ages, male and female liposuction surgery can be done, now 20 to 40 years for more.

Small rough legs, liposuction

Every woman wants a full curve

Breast entire Raiders

Vitamin C: grape, grapefruit, etc., to prevent deformation of the chest.

Vitamin E: celery, walnuts, etc., will help breast development.

Vitamin A: Cabbage and sunflower oil, beneficial hormones.

Vitamin B: beef, milk and liver, etc., help to hormones.

Zinc, iron, calcium, protein: an essential nutrient.

Vegetables, fruit: the effect of a breast fit.

Diet type: jujube, Chinese yam, longan, Chuan Xiong, etc., had blood, blood, air entrainment effects.


Do not wear bra to sleep, some people mistakenly believe that wearing a bra to sleep outside to avoid the chest expansion and sagging, this is not right. Because the wire would be oppressed bra chest ribs, interferes with normal breathing, but when the bra in positional deformation, it should take off bra, easy to sleep! Long wear tight-fitting bra is a long-term due to chest oppression, will affect blood circulation, hinder breast development and health. Choose the right bra is essential.

Attitude Adjustment

Hunchback: Regular Hanxiong, hump, a long time will affect the health of the chest. Therefore, we should have confidence moving curve and keep their heads held high, and should always pay attention to Yo!

Bending over: As the pace of work stress, often involuntarily will Tayao, it will not only increase the burden of lumbar spine, but also hinder the blood circulation, thus affecting the development of breast muscle. So, often straight waist, standing against the wall and the chest will make you feel both comfortable!

Her arms: hands often surrounded by the chest posture will aggravate the burden of the chest. Try to relax and put their hands hanging naturally at the legs on both sides, or stretched, it will help to improve breast shape!

Pa Shui: Tummy sleeping will not only affect the beauty of the face and chest will be met with protest. To minimize the pressure, "it", sit to the right-wing micro is the best disaster POSE Yo!

Nose cosmetic surgery you fascinating

Good-looking or not the tip of the nose, tip of the stent from the supporting structure of the decision, play a major role in the nasal wing cartilage, the lateral foot and fornix; followed by the nasal cartilage, nasal septal cartilage Department. In general, the ideal fit to the protrusion tip, angle, and some fine points, surface. For these characteristics and requirements of cosmetic surgeons focus on the arc ① fornix; ② nasal columella and upper lip angle; ③ always higher than the dorsum of the nose. (Pictured) which is to specify the last point from every angle, tip of the nose are the most prominent part, this is the most important requirement for successful operation. Following Ya Liang introduce you to several nose reshaping cosmetic surgery.

(A) low nose surgery

1. Cartilage graft in nasal limbal incision made inside the nostrils, or do cartilage incision to expose the alar cartilage and nasal cartilage, as the case of the cephalic resection of alar cartilage in part or caudal part of the nasal cartilage. Cartilage was cut down, cutting after forming, sewing the top of the dome, raising the nose and ears can be harvested to do a cartilage transplantation.

2. Bilateral alar cartilage feet to move closer to France to do the side of the bilateral nasal columella incision to expose the alar cartilage of the medial foot and fornix, removal of the two soft tissue between the medial foot, and then in the past, the bottom of the Department and to do mattress suture of a needle, about two-feet closer inside. This method can raise the tip of the nose 2-3mm.

3. Alar wedge excision, such as basal tip of the nose shape is better, only slightly lower, the nose in the bilateral basal wedge of full thickness resection of an organization to receive nostrils, fornix on the sudden, that raised the tip of the nose.

(B) high nose surgery

Suitable protrusion of the nose, is the transition from the dorsum to the tip of the nose is straight and raise the process. If the larger arc elevation, claimed that high nose. Surgical treatment with good results. Do cartilage incision, retrograde nose to the tail side of the separation of cartilage fornix, the fornix of the most prominent part of the appropriate section of full thickness excision, stitched ends. Joint cartilage on both sides of intermittent shallow gash aim to weaken, steep but not sharp tip formation. Removal of part of the alar cartilage can also be located on the inside foot of the basement, but its effect was less than in the fornix removal.

(C) blunt square nose surgery

Look up observation, aesthetic standards were cone-shaped tip, contrary to this the blunt flat tip of the nose is clearly not the United States. Some people find cosmetic surgeons, said: "Please put my 'pig nose' modify it to read." This remark Daochu such nose to the point where an operation was inevitable. Within the margin of nose to nose surgery incision, completely exposed the fornix bilateral alar cartilage. Then cut the surface of 3-6 in their article, but not cut through. The alar cartilage and soft tissue between the medial pin removal, mattress suture to draw the two inside legs. Such as the tip of the nose lower elevation of the cartilage can be transplanted.

(D) hypertrophy nose surgery

Such people are commonly known as the nose as "garlic noses." Because the thick skin, subcutaneous tissue quantity, cartilage hypertrophy and there is a tendency outward bulging. Hypertrophy nose surgery nose surgery known as shrinkage (tipreductlon), treatment of the most challenging type of nose surgery, surgical incision or cartilage to edge incision. Fully exposed, free alar cartilage and nasal cartilage, even cut off all parts of fat and fibrous tissues. Removal of the nose Ruan Gutou side l/2-2/3, lateral to the medial and cephalad rotation feet, nose can be seen at this time within the collection. In demarcating the alar cartilage cartilage fornix interruption can not be cut off. Strengthening the nose or nostrils can not become a vertical cross, then do wedge resection in the nasal; such as nose due to high, you can cut the surface of the cartilage cushion in the vault in order to raise the nose.

Cosmetic surgery on the nose, there are many elements in this is not - repeat. In short, the tip of the nose cosmetic surgery and rhinoplasty as: complex and diverse, sophisticated concealment. Requested cosmetic surgeon on the nose of a more profound understanding of aesthetics. In addition, the best have some special surgical instruments, such as the special scissors, forceps, retractors, etc..

Victoria C fruit drinks can not replace the useless excess of the anti-pernicious to health beauty

At present, the dimension C drink increasingly fashionable white-collar workers and young people to buy many of the preferred. Although the dimension C drinks and other beverages priced slightly higher than, but this does not affect the success of high-end market to seize the juice drinks.

Some businessmen launched the "long dimension C drinks make people drink more beautiful, healthy" concept, it is this concept has attracted many young female fashion consumer groups.

However, this drink can really add nutrition and beauty it? Expert opinion does not seem to accepted.

Victoria C content beyond the bad drinks

Victoria C called ascorbic acid, as a water-soluble vitamin, its main role is to resist the nucleus of human plasma to reduce the free radical oxidation damage to the body. Victoria C also participate, including bone, skin and other organs of collagen synthesis. If the dimension C lack, it may cause bleeding, and even internal organs bleeding. Victoria C itself can not be synthesized in the body, must be added every day through food. Victoria C recommended adult daily intake is between 60-100 mg.

Chinese Academy of Agricultural Product Processing Research Institute LIU Yang researchers believe that the current market-dimensional C per 100 ml of drink-dimensional C content of between 25-50 mg, most of Victoria C content of 40 mg / 100 ml or more. Calculated by 500 ml bottle beverage bottle beverage dimensional C content of 200 mg, much higher than the recommended intake for adults. At the same time, he thought Victoria C higher sugar content in beverages generally, a lot of drinking will lead to excessive sugar intake, energy intake surplus.

Meanwhile, Victoria C drink more with preservatives, pigments, antioxidants, pectin, Vigo spirit, flavor, sweeteners, etc., these are the nutrients needed by the body. LIU Yang reminded, Victoria C drinks also added elements such as sodium, the body burden of excessive intake may increase the heart, causing blood pressure.

Tongren Hospital, Zhang Qian, MD, deputy director of nutrition against all drinks, he said: "No matter what kind of concept is used to package the product, whether it is advertising on the shape and how attractive, are not necessary. Dimension C is Water-soluble vitamins, we have by eating fresh fruit and vegetables can meet the body's needs. excessive intake of dimension C, one does not need a lot of other long-term exposure may cause dependence, once the dose is likely to cause internal organs to reduce bleeding, bleeding gums, skin spots and other symptoms. Of course the above is a more extreme example. "

Beijing Union Medical College Hospital Dr Li Ning is not in charge of nutrition to promote drink-dimensional C drinks: "Because of beverages containing sugar, eating too much sugar on the human body not only has no benefit, but also lead to obesity-induced diabetes there is a certain risk. Therefore, people with obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, people should pay attention to not drink these beverages. "

Drink drink and not beauty Victoria C

Many people choose to drink is directed at the Victoria C "healthy, beautiful" slogan came. In response, China Agricultural University, Food Science and Nutritional Engineering Professor Bao-Ping Ji: "Victoria C drink no effect on the beauty than to drink water. In everyday life, should be eating more of some natural fruits and vegetables from the food we add dimension C than to drink the beverage for the dimension C is much better. "

"All people have great relationships with the physical state, protein, fat, carbohydrates and so decided to major aspects of the physical body, then minerals, vitamins regulate the metabolism of energy, but they are not decisive. Dimension C has antioxidant role, can prevent cancer, anti-aging, but not reflected in the face, the fruit of the dimension C and other substances such synergy effects will be. "Zhang Qian Yue.

The data shows that: In 2005, our 7-22 year-old urban males were overweight and obesity were 13.25% and 11.39%; 7-22 year-old urban female rate of overweight and obesity were respectively 8.72% and 5.01%. Zhang Qian, the lack of exercise is one reason why overweight and obesity, eating junk food and drinks is also an important reason.

No substitute for fruits and vegetables

Research shows that eating more vegetables and fruits can reduce cancer, heart disease and diabetes, but "there is no evidence that drinking-dimensional C fruits and vegetables and drinks can be played instead of the same effect." LIU Yang said.

LIU Yang made it clear that the necessary human dimension C should be adopted by the daily vegetable and fruit intake to meet, followed by fruit juice, vegetable juice, and finally Victoria C drinks. Eat vegetables, fruits can also add other nutrients, such as other types of vitamins, flavonoids, carotenoids, anthocyanins, dietary fiber, potassium and magnesium. The synergistic effect of nutrients and Victoria C only makes the body healthy growth.

In his view, the high content of vitamin C fruits, such as the kiwi, orange, persimmon, eat one or two will be able to meet the body's vitamin C needs. Green peppers, red peppers, cauliflower, bitter gourd, tomatoes, also contain large amounts of vitamin C, eat 200 grams daily of the vegetables on vitamin C to meet the needs of the human body.

"Fruits are rich in dietary fiber, are insoluble and soluble dietary fiber, can promote human health, which are dimensional C drinks are not able to do." Zhang Qian said.

Ji Bao Ping recommendation: "Drink in the selection process, you can try to select less additives, sugar, and drink from natural substances, such as some pure fruit juice drinks."