
Lemon cucumber tomato safety freckles than skin

Among the natural food, with maintenance of the efficacy of the skin and remove freckles, many kinds of tomatoes is one of them. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and other nutrients, known as "Vitamin C's warehouse." Vitamin C can effectively reduce the formation of melanin, making the skin white and shiny. A glass of tomato juice every day to drink small amounts of cod liver oil, can people be looking rosy. Such as skin acne, freckles, melasma, sweat stain, you can simply wash the face, and then surface covered with tomato sauce, to be 15 to 20 minutes after the wash with water, or tomato juice to add a spoonful of glycerin, this mixture of face 2-3 times per day, every 10 minutes, then wash with water, painted skin cream point, can make the skin white and tender, dark spots removed, and skin type of the drying effect especially in skin. Can also be painted in the face wash cream, then put a few slices of tomato paste, 30 minutes, and then cool the milk wash, which makes delicate facial skin, white.

Lemon, cucumber is also a choice for the protection of the skin, remove freckles of natural food. Lemon Mongolia is rich in sugars and trace elements calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins B1, B2, vitamin C, niacin and other nutrients can prevent and eliminate the role of skin pigmentation. Cucumber is rich in potassium and a number of carotene, vitamin C, B vitamins, carbohydrates, protein and calcium, iron, phosphorus and other inorganic salts. Wipe her face with cucumber, cucumber slices or towels to do surface dressing, can receive the stretch wrinkles, keep skin tender the strange effect. Mixture of cucumber juice with lemon and skin care beauty, would help to remove freckles, skin whitening. The approach is cast in the face of several layers of clean lemon cucumber juice to maintain 40 to 50 minutes, then washed with water, then painted skin cream, you can receive 20 days of continuous smear results. In addition, the oily or neutral skin to regularly wipe her face with milk and lemon juice mixture, but also whitening the skin.

Sibu Beauty addition to dark spots

According to scientific studies, the pineal gland is known as the magic faded than spots, so called "melatonin." After it enters the blood circulation, to play its natural function to play a cosmetic effect. From oats, corn, ginger, cucumber, bananas, eggplant and other foods, can be found melatonin.

In addition to color skin beauty beauty vitamin fade effects are more significant, such as vitamin A, vitamin E is resistant to the aging of nerve cells, destruction of free radical activity, and promote blood circulation, regulate hormone secretion, inhibition of skin aging, skin pale and smooth and delicate; vitamin C is an antioxidant, inhibit oxidation, prevent pigmentation; vitamin B6 has a faded scar than the role of melanin, vitamin B6-rich foods are chicken, lean pork, egg yolks, fish, shrimp, peanuts, soybeans and products.

Fruits, helps skin care. This is because, to 25 ~ 3O-year-old man after the body of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity decreased, increased reactive oxygen species, which has destroyed the collagen fibers in the skin, causing wrinkles appear, but also damage the skin's moisture factor - hyaluronidase, resulting in rough skin, chapped, and the emergence of brown spots. If a reasonable diet, often rich in pectin from the fruit intake of adequate carotene, SOD will enable the body to increase, wrinkles, dark spots, pigmentation or delay does not appear there. If pregnant or similar to prevent spots acne, it can advance more intake of selenium, magnesium and other trace elements in food. Such as black sesame, wheat germ, shrimp, animal kidney, liver and other high content of selenium. Magnesium mainly from chlorophyll containing vegetables and other multi-colored plant food, in addition, millet, barley, wheat, oats, beans, nuts, seafood is also a good source of magnesium. Drink green tea every day can also play a good cosmetic effect.

Let Black mysteriously disappeared

My skin is mixed, usually T shaped parts of the face very easily out of oil, causing the surrounding skin, large pores, even more upset of the integrated product of these factors is - the blackheads on his nose. According to reports, blackheads is due to excessive oil secretion, resulting in blockage of oil pores exposed to the air oxidation of grain formation.

Since then, the nose of the "Sesame points" into my heart, "always" pain. Until one day, health Email sent letters to me, told me to use baby oil can easily deal with blackheads, and is in the face after cleansing, massage with baby oil black-capped above the nose. Of course, this is the need for patience, because the oil is not an instant thing dissolved, so a period of time, such as 1 hour or so. The principle seems to be the main ingredient in baby oil is mineral oil, which is able to dissolve grease, correct or not, I also difficult to trace.

That night, while watching TV while I massage according to the law, although the posts required a long time on some, but I had about half an hour massage, you feel the finger, little things like particles, it is said that is Black grease a sudden burst of ecstasy heart is really fantastic ... ... then I looked carefully at the nose, really good effect, "sesame point" cleared a lot. But this massage once or twice a week as long as you can do, and for me this is lazy MM, can be considered once and for all instead.

Remove spots and wonderful face

The so-called "spot" is derived from the skin surface, the shape was irregular, there is no uplift rash of color phenomena, is a skin pigment disorder problems. In theory, facial spots for no adverse effects on human health, but had to admit, for the emphasis on image and beauty of the new new women, facial beauty spots is really a big kill vital, who do not want to be eradicated?

However, the heat of the summer, if Ms. Amy would like to freckle, be wary. It is because summer is not suitable for freckle. Appropriate treatment to late autumn and early winter season is better then the minimum injury to the skin.

Also, pay attention to peeling freckle way, some peeling of the chemical substances in skin bleaching elements, often due to the concentration effect of the chemical nature of individual differences in cuticle damage caused by excessive exfoliation, skin redness, burning, scaling. Not only failed to achieve the objective of beauty cream, but induced facial black scab, frustrated life.

Removing stains off the right way should be:

1, to prevent

When the temperature is above 25 degrees, outdoor activities, the measures necessary to choose effective dark skin coated with sunscreen and an umbrella, wearing a hat;

2, which make up

Kidney Yin, Shugan Qi, and in blood, can use oral beauty, while accompanied by vitamin C;

3, diet

Eat more foods useful for preventing sunburn, such as tomatoes, tangerines, oranges and apples.

Also pay attention to:

Massage is not too frequent. Massage helps to promote blood circulation and metabolism, it is true, but massage once a day is enough. Each about 5 minutes, massage should not be too hard, action should be gentle, and the pace faster. If you massage the skin over it will accelerate the aging, and even produce spots, Bukebufang.

Removing fruit and vegetable beauty spots

Fruits and vegetables is a very ancient beauty cosmetic surgery, is also a draw on the essence of natural plants to absorb nutrients for the natural beauty of skin surgery. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of the nutrients and vitamins, trace elements, increased consumption and external application on skin elasticity and moisturizing gloss is great benefit. In particular the use of natural raw fruits and vegetables in the juice for whitening care. Both safe and effective for simple and convenient, after all, a good method of beauty.

Way to fruits and vegetables generally have two kinds of beauty, one is the juice applied to the face or used for facial cleansing. One is directly to do with the fruit and vegetable fruit and vegetable spreads in the face mask.

Cabbage is the most common appear as a vegetable. For skin with dark green juice may face wash. Dark skin, the skin is usually biased because it is acidic, so after washing, making available a number of green juice face, juice contained in the skin absorb chlorophyll is so neutral. Watermelon contains yellow, green, red three-element composition is quite comprehensive, is "complete" nutrition. Face wash with watermelon juice, dark skin will turn white. Fresh radish, but also freckle whitening and moisturizing emollient function, we can wash the radish juice after the ground up, wash your face morning and evening after the shoot in the face with a juice can. If the face has freckles, and we also have the option of fresh eggplant, the eggplant into small pieces with a knife, rub the face with freckles position, until the clean up red. Face with the juice there are other ways, but must adhere to a daily, persistent, will receive the desired results.

Mask used to do their own fruits and vegetables, may be a bit troublesome, but it is a very challenging job, get in and create fun, happy to get in the harvest. The simplest is to cut into thin slices leftover watermelon rind, paste in the face with spots Department, melons gently massage can last longer. Almonds, peeled after heat blisters, broken, to reconcile with the egg white into the mask, facial mask every night before bed to do once a night, then warm water wash away the next morning. Can eliminate facial dark spots, reduce wrinkles, moisturize the skin. If there are no almonds, with Lizi Ren also have the same effect.