
Sibu Beauty addition to dark spots

According to scientific studies, the pineal gland is known as the magic faded than spots, so called "melatonin." After it enters the blood circulation, to play its natural function to play a cosmetic effect. From oats, corn, ginger, cucumber, bananas, eggplant and other foods, can be found melatonin.

In addition to color skin beauty beauty vitamin fade effects are more significant, such as vitamin A, vitamin E is resistant to the aging of nerve cells, destruction of free radical activity, and promote blood circulation, regulate hormone secretion, inhibition of skin aging, skin pale and smooth and delicate; vitamin C is an antioxidant, inhibit oxidation, prevent pigmentation; vitamin B6 has a faded scar than the role of melanin, vitamin B6-rich foods are chicken, lean pork, egg yolks, fish, shrimp, peanuts, soybeans and products.

Fruits, helps skin care. This is because, to 25 ~ 3O-year-old man after the body of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity decreased, increased reactive oxygen species, which has destroyed the collagen fibers in the skin, causing wrinkles appear, but also damage the skin's moisture factor - hyaluronidase, resulting in rough skin, chapped, and the emergence of brown spots. If a reasonable diet, often rich in pectin from the fruit intake of adequate carotene, SOD will enable the body to increase, wrinkles, dark spots, pigmentation or delay does not appear there. If pregnant or similar to prevent spots acne, it can advance more intake of selenium, magnesium and other trace elements in food. Such as black sesame, wheat germ, shrimp, animal kidney, liver and other high content of selenium. Magnesium mainly from chlorophyll containing vegetables and other multi-colored plant food, in addition, millet, barley, wheat, oats, beans, nuts, seafood is also a good source of magnesium. Drink green tea every day can also play a good cosmetic effect.

