
Removing fruit and vegetable beauty spots

Fruits and vegetables is a very ancient beauty cosmetic surgery, is also a draw on the essence of natural plants to absorb nutrients for the natural beauty of skin surgery. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of the nutrients and vitamins, trace elements, increased consumption and external application on skin elasticity and moisturizing gloss is great benefit. In particular the use of natural raw fruits and vegetables in the juice for whitening care. Both safe and effective for simple and convenient, after all, a good method of beauty.

Way to fruits and vegetables generally have two kinds of beauty, one is the juice applied to the face or used for facial cleansing. One is directly to do with the fruit and vegetable fruit and vegetable spreads in the face mask.

Cabbage is the most common appear as a vegetable. For skin with dark green juice may face wash. Dark skin, the skin is usually biased because it is acidic, so after washing, making available a number of green juice face, juice contained in the skin absorb chlorophyll is so neutral. Watermelon contains yellow, green, red three-element composition is quite comprehensive, is "complete" nutrition. Face wash with watermelon juice, dark skin will turn white. Fresh radish, but also freckle whitening and moisturizing emollient function, we can wash the radish juice after the ground up, wash your face morning and evening after the shoot in the face with a juice can. If the face has freckles, and we also have the option of fresh eggplant, the eggplant into small pieces with a knife, rub the face with freckles position, until the clean up red. Face with the juice there are other ways, but must adhere to a daily, persistent, will receive the desired results.

Mask used to do their own fruits and vegetables, may be a bit troublesome, but it is a very challenging job, get in and create fun, happy to get in the harvest. The simplest is to cut into thin slices leftover watermelon rind, paste in the face with spots Department, melons gently massage can last longer. Almonds, peeled after heat blisters, broken, to reconcile with the egg white into the mask, facial mask every night before bed to do once a night, then warm water wash away the next morning. Can eliminate facial dark spots, reduce wrinkles, moisturize the skin. If there are no almonds, with Lizi Ren also have the same effect.

