
Victoria C fruit drinks can not replace the useless excess of the anti-pernicious to health beauty

At present, the dimension C drink increasingly fashionable white-collar workers and young people to buy many of the preferred. Although the dimension C drinks and other beverages priced slightly higher than, but this does not affect the success of high-end market to seize the juice drinks.

Some businessmen launched the "long dimension C drinks make people drink more beautiful, healthy" concept, it is this concept has attracted many young female fashion consumer groups.

However, this drink can really add nutrition and beauty it? Expert opinion does not seem to accepted.

Victoria C content beyond the bad drinks

Victoria C called ascorbic acid, as a water-soluble vitamin, its main role is to resist the nucleus of human plasma to reduce the free radical oxidation damage to the body. Victoria C also participate, including bone, skin and other organs of collagen synthesis. If the dimension C lack, it may cause bleeding, and even internal organs bleeding. Victoria C itself can not be synthesized in the body, must be added every day through food. Victoria C recommended adult daily intake is between 60-100 mg.

Chinese Academy of Agricultural Product Processing Research Institute LIU Yang researchers believe that the current market-dimensional C per 100 ml of drink-dimensional C content of between 25-50 mg, most of Victoria C content of 40 mg / 100 ml or more. Calculated by 500 ml bottle beverage bottle beverage dimensional C content of 200 mg, much higher than the recommended intake for adults. At the same time, he thought Victoria C higher sugar content in beverages generally, a lot of drinking will lead to excessive sugar intake, energy intake surplus.

Meanwhile, Victoria C drink more with preservatives, pigments, antioxidants, pectin, Vigo spirit, flavor, sweeteners, etc., these are the nutrients needed by the body. LIU Yang reminded, Victoria C drinks also added elements such as sodium, the body burden of excessive intake may increase the heart, causing blood pressure.

Tongren Hospital, Zhang Qian, MD, deputy director of nutrition against all drinks, he said: "No matter what kind of concept is used to package the product, whether it is advertising on the shape and how attractive, are not necessary. Dimension C is Water-soluble vitamins, we have by eating fresh fruit and vegetables can meet the body's needs. excessive intake of dimension C, one does not need a lot of other long-term exposure may cause dependence, once the dose is likely to cause internal organs to reduce bleeding, bleeding gums, skin spots and other symptoms. Of course the above is a more extreme example. "

Beijing Union Medical College Hospital Dr Li Ning is not in charge of nutrition to promote drink-dimensional C drinks: "Because of beverages containing sugar, eating too much sugar on the human body not only has no benefit, but also lead to obesity-induced diabetes there is a certain risk. Therefore, people with obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, people should pay attention to not drink these beverages. "

Drink drink and not beauty Victoria C

Many people choose to drink is directed at the Victoria C "healthy, beautiful" slogan came. In response, China Agricultural University, Food Science and Nutritional Engineering Professor Bao-Ping Ji: "Victoria C drink no effect on the beauty than to drink water. In everyday life, should be eating more of some natural fruits and vegetables from the food we add dimension C than to drink the beverage for the dimension C is much better. "

"All people have great relationships with the physical state, protein, fat, carbohydrates and so decided to major aspects of the physical body, then minerals, vitamins regulate the metabolism of energy, but they are not decisive. Dimension C has antioxidant role, can prevent cancer, anti-aging, but not reflected in the face, the fruit of the dimension C and other substances such synergy effects will be. "Zhang Qian Yue.

The data shows that: In 2005, our 7-22 year-old urban males were overweight and obesity were 13.25% and 11.39%; 7-22 year-old urban female rate of overweight and obesity were respectively 8.72% and 5.01%. Zhang Qian, the lack of exercise is one reason why overweight and obesity, eating junk food and drinks is also an important reason.

No substitute for fruits and vegetables

Research shows that eating more vegetables and fruits can reduce cancer, heart disease and diabetes, but "there is no evidence that drinking-dimensional C fruits and vegetables and drinks can be played instead of the same effect." LIU Yang said.

LIU Yang made it clear that the necessary human dimension C should be adopted by the daily vegetable and fruit intake to meet, followed by fruit juice, vegetable juice, and finally Victoria C drinks. Eat vegetables, fruits can also add other nutrients, such as other types of vitamins, flavonoids, carotenoids, anthocyanins, dietary fiber, potassium and magnesium. The synergistic effect of nutrients and Victoria C only makes the body healthy growth.

In his view, the high content of vitamin C fruits, such as the kiwi, orange, persimmon, eat one or two will be able to meet the body's vitamin C needs. Green peppers, red peppers, cauliflower, bitter gourd, tomatoes, also contain large amounts of vitamin C, eat 200 grams daily of the vegetables on vitamin C to meet the needs of the human body.

"Fruits are rich in dietary fiber, are insoluble and soluble dietary fiber, can promote human health, which are dimensional C drinks are not able to do." Zhang Qian said.

Ji Bao Ping recommendation: "Drink in the selection process, you can try to select less additives, sugar, and drink from natural substances, such as some pure fruit juice drinks."

