
Yang Cheng 8 day detox diet thin 1 kg

Come see the latest weight-loss scientists study it, to apply them to your everyday life which, you can let lose weight the matter, and eat and sleep becomes as natural and simple.

One cup of coffee before breakfast

Vanderbilt University, Nashville United States found that 30 minutes before breakfast cup of coffee can be effective in controlling appetite, so eat before you eat only 75% felt full up, and also the rate of fat burning speed up 5%! This is attributed to heat coffee in a matter of xanthine, it can provide enough for your body heat.

Second, breakfast calcium supplement

600 mg daily dose of calcium intake (breakfast and lunch each 300 mg) can help your body speed up fat consumption. Scientists in a study found that women eating according to this method, calcium intake than women not more than 22% less weight, less fat and more than 61%, 81% less abdominal fat and more!

Third, the bathroom before the cup cranberry juice

Plum Flower Form factors in the rich - the plant chemicals can help the body to effectively discharge of fat and toxins. Drink cranberry juice, your body's "clean" program can greatly speed up, the liver can also cause obesity in your body that may be material removed from the body quickly and thoroughly.

Fourth, drink some water

If you want to lose 2 kilograms in this week's weight, how much water you drink every day has a relationship with your body weight. Nutrition experts suggest you drink per kilogram of body weight 31.3 ml of water (for example, 50 kg female body weight) per day should drink 1.565 liters). Water is the body metabolism high temperature device automatically, if insufficient water intake, body temperature will drop, the body will begin to depend fat.

