
10 strokes to support a porcelain-like skin skin trick

Lead: like beauty is not impossible, but you must for your beautiful effort. In fact, the old saying said, "No pain, no gain" applies to skin care. Since ancient times, there is no ugly woman, only lazy women. 10 strokes beauty trick, you beauty Erotic Duo Po.

1, is the skin of the sun

A lot of girls, sparing no effort for the cosmetic, but many girls still maintained the existence of loopholes that this sun! Beauty's evil hotbed is ultraviolet! Beauty like you and me, as it usually is efforts to maintain, and do not in the sun this small step in unraveling ah.

beauty tips: the maintenance of sunscreen during the day as the last step, use a sunscreen effect Cream is the most convenient way, remember to select both the spf / pa index products in order to really block UV uvb and uva.

2, more and more water to the skin

Skin moisturizer, is in the sun, the skin must also be efforts to implement the work. Almost all of the skin trouble, and the skin itself is insufficient moisture. Therefore, add enough water to help skin to maintain skin health and the basis for full code.

beauty tips: seasonal turn of the skin dry and not prone to the phenomenon, and therefore special attention to moisturizing care, timely use of available moisture mask, or in the basic maintenance of adding a collagen solution. Drinking enough water every day, but also from the body the best way to add water.

3, do not go to bed with mascara!

Although every night before going to sleep, be sure to go to bed again remover should be every girl knows the skin care practices are not up remover really is very basic, and important code of beautiful skin, regardless of overtime and more tired, more than carnival night, 10 million are can not be lazy ah! And did not shirk the mascara can kiss the pillow, but to the whole face of make-up are removable clean, can go to bed.

beauty tips: If you really too lazy to take the time, or really tired to turn, not step by step movement up remover eye lips and face, may wish to use a complete face up remover Cleansing Oil, which can be a removable eye lips and all face makeup remover wipe-type tissue, is also a good choice!

4, regular health checks for the skin

In fact maintenance of the skin, you should first thoroughly understand the status of their skin, and skin changes observed at any time, prescribe the right medicine to the most appropriate care for the skin.

beauty tips: Many cosmetic counters have provided a sophisticated skin detector, you can get by the skin test, a better understanding of the status of their skin.

5, details the most important!

Be considered a high section of beautiful girls, determine the standard is not only good and bad skin, or makeup is exquisite as simple as that. Our standard of review encompasses: the sandals heels are no flowers shells? Hands and feet nails are not clean and neatly trimmed? When wearing sleeveless vests have not revealed indecent body hair? Many of the girls was dressed, but in these small places to wear bang, even small details can fully take into account the girls can claim to be a real "high section of beauty!"

beauty tips: Heel maintenance requires patience, at least once a week: foot bath, exfoliating → → emulsion maintenance steps, go to bed every night when, to help your feet rub moisturizing lotion on and then put on cotton socks to bed. As for hand, foot and nail care, can carry a bottle of oil means the edge of armor, around the nail when free massage.

6, do your best makeup artist

Modern girls make-up and maintenance, are a big reason for want to own a better, more pleasant frame of mind. The same is true make-up, dress was a beautiful day out, is to create a pleasant mood for the most simple way is the only way to increase self-confidence. When you see a girl's brow perfect, flawless complexion naturally, in addition to enjoy the praise, the do not forget to show the beauty in front of you, actually came after some practice! As long as we practice, every girl can become a make-up master!

beauty tips: If you are a class of kindergarten students make up, then around a make-up to the habit of a friend for advice about high school students.

7, to kick the bad habit of absorbing chaotic

Some girls were very fond of oil absorption, From time to time we should come up here, oil-absorbing tissues, according to press, there suction aspiration. Skin the oil is a natural adjustment mechanism, of course, is to maintain appearance appropriate crisp clean suction means, but it would be counterproductive over oil absorption, skin oils more oil.

beauty tips: If your skin is weeping very serious problem, you should consider adding in basic maintenance of oil control products, while the skin is too dry can also cause excessive secretion of oil, so moisture should be strengthened.

8, stop the mob acne, acne

And pits of rosacea, pigmentation, black pock, should be long-term pain in the hearts of many girls! Such as acne or acne disorder caused by squeezing the consequences of our skin will be left for a long time mark. However, we still will not help when most of itchy to go and acne, acne confrontation.

beauty tips: the face of acne, acne, and it is the best way to peaceful coexistence. In addition to basic cleaning thoroughly, and then with a deep cleansing mask to use, or some anti-inflammatory products that can help acne, do not own and became a dermatologist, for over-extraction of acne or squeeze acne behavior. These improper extrusion, skin damage actions, the traces left behind in the face, redness of acne than never troubled you longer!

9, not when the horrors of women over make-up

How you insist on make-up? Did not draw eyebrows do not go out, or must each, on cosmetics lipstick, eyeliner all-embracing?

Appropriate make-up women to become beautiful, inappropriate or excessive make-up, but let women become a terrorist woman! Remember, make-up is to bring out the essence of your beauty, not for you to create a mask!

beauty tips: the so-called moderate make-up, should include the natural skin look shiny, Eyebrow refreshing uncluttered, bright eyes sparkle and bright red lips and cheeks a good color! So get ready inside your makeup bag: the makeup base, eyebrow pencil (or Xiumei Dao), mascara, lipstick and blusher, it is sufficient to create a beautiful face.

10, Do not let the perfume into the olfactory pollution

The largest is the principle of using perfume, "according to occasion" in the office, small conference rooms where space, light and suitable to use perfume, after all, you do not go to party, Just imagine, if you work around has been released into the atmosphere when you do not like the The fragrance, a day off may make you mad now! In addition, to participate in meal occasions are not used to strong perfume, because people come to hear good food and wine products, not to smell your perfume.

beauty tips: In addition to choosing different shades according to occasions, perfumes, spray perfume the way we should pay attention. Provide a better ambience for perfume way, when you dress complete, will be spraying perfume into the air, let themselves in perfume mist, you can have dressed in a coat natural charming fragrance.

