
Eight anti-aging skin care errors

TCM channel network of skin care how you organize anti-aging, please read "Women Skin Care: Eight anti-aging skin care myths"

Every woman wants to be beautiful "witch", try using a variety of skin care products after the failure of many women in the legend with a variety of anti-aging skin care Cheats. The following describes the anti-aging for women Eight Errors.

Misunderstanding 1: anti-aging products in the night to play more effective.

Misunderstanding 2: redness, peeling is the anti-aging skin care in the normal reaction.

Misunderstanding 3: anti-aging face cream that contains ingredients you can through the anti-aging face.

Mistakes 4: anti-aging products contain technology component is very large, so the more expensive the better.

Misunderstanding 5: layers of anti-aging products to their faces painted, make you more effective anti-aging.

Misunderstanding 6: collagen rich face cream to smear the way through to the skin to increase collagen.

Misunderstanding 7: anti-aging products microcrystalline Huanfu much more expensive than the scrub, but there is actually no different.

Mistakes 8: Weekly use of a product or microcrystalline Huanfu acid Huanfu product effect is obvious, it can use every day.

Precautions for cosmetic use

Improper use of cosmetics, skin care not only will not achieve the effect, would lead to "disfigurement." Use in cosmetics should be noted the following points.

One should not be used products from multiple vendors, different manufacturers of cosmetics wipe may cause a chemical reaction. Better to use the same cosmetics manufacturers.

Second, should not use expired cosmetics, cosmetic ingredients will break down a long time, deterioration can easily cause skin diseases.

Third, should not be excessive use of cosmetics, because metabolism of the skin has its own, excessive makeup, will lead to the skin can not "breathe."

Fourth, the pursuit should not be too effective, vigilant of these cosmetic ingredients may contain hormones, should carefully review the components of cosmetics standard column.

5, should not be over-confident of natural products, natural cosmetics also contain allergenic ingredients.

Sixth, do not pick with your finger cosmetics, make-up tools to regular cleaning, should pay attention to hygiene, to avoid cosmetic deterioration.

Spring beauty Multi Diet

Chinese believe that looking and spleen-related, such as acne, acne is due to heat Piansheng spleen; Hudie Ban is due to stagnation and spleen deficiency; surface dull yellow is the spleen qi and blood can not be on the performance of contractors. Spring things Ascending, human spleen also will feature strong. Therefore, the spring beauty in the blood or spleen Shu Shu Gan spleen, promoting blood circulation and the therapeutic contact the best.
Here are several beauty of the therapeutic method.

1. Nest rock sugar porridge: bird's nest with moist skin, blood and beauty of power. 3 grams take bird's nest, rock sugar amount, cook until congee can be eaten like. Ruozai adding 5 grams sweet almond cook, its better cosmetic results.

2. Long Lin egg soup: 15 grams of longan, lotus seeds 50 grams of meat, two eggs, two pieces of ginger, jujube four, a little salt. Steam cooked eggs, peeled, clean water; longan, lotus seed meat, ginger, jujube were washed with water; lotus heart meat to retain the red-brown seeds clothing; ginger, peeled, cut into two pieces; date to go nuclear. Clay pots into the sufficiency of water within the first burning with high flame to the water to boil, then add more material to use in the fire burning about two hours, adding a little salt and serve immediately. Can Ningxin An God, nourishing emollients.

3. Lily jujube Ginkgo soup: 50 grams of lily, red dates 10, ginkgo 50 grams, 300 grams of beef, two slices of ginger, salt a little. Fresh beef washed clean, with a roll after the cut sheets; ginkgo shelled, with flooding to the outer membrane, then rinse; lilies, red dates and ginger were washed with water; dates to the nucleus; ginger peeled Cut two pieces. Clay pots to add appropriate amount of water, first with a raging fire burning to the water to boil, add lily, red dates, gingko and ginger pieces, use the fire to be cooked lily pot, add beef and continue to boil until cooked beef, you can put Salt to taste, Sheng out instant. Have blood and yin, nourish the skin, lungs and Qi, relieves, astringent fine effect.

4. Astragalus brown sugar porridge: AM 30 grams, 100 grams of regular rice, brown sugar 30 grams, 6 grams of dried tangerine peel. Wash sections in APS, into the pot, add some water, boiling to slag juice; will wash clean and japonica rice, and dried tangerine peel, brown sugar into the pot, then pour Astragalus juice, add some water, cook until rice overripe Serve. Brown sugar taste sweet, gentle nature, there is profit and lung, and spleen in aid, slow liver, blood, the effect of Po Yu; Astragalus sweet, warm, with solid form antiperspirant, the role of life care sore; Citrus spicy, bitter , warm, reasonable gas stomach, the role of phlegm dampness. The beauty of the effectiveness of qi zhou for qi and those due to face pale minimalist.

5. Jujube porridge: Take 60 grams of japonica rice, jujube 10, will join the regular rice in the Chinese date, cook until cooked porridge bad dates can be. Jujube is rich in vitamin e, eat porridge jujube, enable people looking rosy, look good.

6. Beauty porridge: 100 grams of rice, chicken soup 1200 ml, Chuanxiong 3 g, Chinese angelica 10 grams, 5 grams of astragalus, safflower 2 grams. Wash the rice clean, with water immersion; Chinese angelica root, astragalus cut into thin slices, together with the saffron into a small bag in; will meter and charge a small bag with porridge poured into the pot, add chicken stock, adequate the fire to boil water, simmer thick, remove bag Serve. The porridge adding qi, blood, blood to Cuba Si Wu Tang-based traditional Chinese medicine, day 1-2 times, while hot to take, to improve the function of the body to increase women's facial skin moist, tender, and the prevention and treatment of diseases affecting both the U.S. looks good.

Beautiful hair tips

To see if you are not one? According to the survey, 91% of women of shampoo and conditioner actions were completed within 15 minutes, and in the beauty salon for 1-2 hours to more than far cry. So, how to do the right shampoo is the way?

Cleaning of the hair, in addition to straight up, the product of choice and the steps to do right, this is the secret of it beautiful. The following set of steps to provide your hair reference:

1, good eating and sleeping habits, which help the body metabolism. Metabolism in normal, healthy hair naturally beautiful. Water is an indispensable essential supplements to remember lots of drinking water.

2, the complete cleaning work:?

Hair shampoo in the palm of your hand before the first bubble can start to rub shampoo, shampoo to avoid injury to the scalp (see, for use shampoo);

When washing his fingers into the hair shampoo, shampoo to make hair fall naturally when, let bubble away naturally by the hair root to the tips of the hair, gently massage the scalp with fingers parts. When to use the flow of flushing clean water, the most vulnerable at this time the hair, do not rub it hard. Better in warm water or cold water temperature, hot water the least desirable because it makes the hair and scalp becomes dry.

3, deep nourishment work:

Deep rinse - rinse can be used to form a protective hair to avoid hair, ironing, and other physical or chemical injury. Water slightly dry hair first, then cast in the tail rinse, rinse after a brief stay; hair care - conditioner can repair damaged hair, isolated UV, should conduct a week, from the scalp Start the conditioner with the palm of the massage, pushing to the tips of the hair, if the need to enhance the moisturizing capabilities, Zeyi towel wrapped hair, make hair conditioner in her hair to stay 10-15 minutes and rinse on it.

4, the correct management of work blowing: wet hair pores, will be open, if the time to comb, comb, hair is easy to hurt, so after washing hair with a towel and gently wipe water first before they can use a hair dryer . Hair, do not be too close to the hair Hair mouth, the most suitable distance of 10-15 cm.


Lemon cucumber tomato safety freckles than skin

Among the natural food, with maintenance of the efficacy of the skin and remove freckles, many kinds of tomatoes is one of them. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and other nutrients, known as "Vitamin C's warehouse." Vitamin C can effectively reduce the formation of melanin, making the skin white and shiny. A glass of tomato juice every day to drink small amounts of cod liver oil, can people be looking rosy. Such as skin acne, freckles, melasma, sweat stain, you can simply wash the face, and then surface covered with tomato sauce, to be 15 to 20 minutes after the wash with water, or tomato juice to add a spoonful of glycerin, this mixture of face 2-3 times per day, every 10 minutes, then wash with water, painted skin cream point, can make the skin white and tender, dark spots removed, and skin type of the drying effect especially in skin. Can also be painted in the face wash cream, then put a few slices of tomato paste, 30 minutes, and then cool the milk wash, which makes delicate facial skin, white.

Lemon, cucumber is also a choice for the protection of the skin, remove freckles of natural food. Lemon Mongolia is rich in sugars and trace elements calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins B1, B2, vitamin C, niacin and other nutrients can prevent and eliminate the role of skin pigmentation. Cucumber is rich in potassium and a number of carotene, vitamin C, B vitamins, carbohydrates, protein and calcium, iron, phosphorus and other inorganic salts. Wipe her face with cucumber, cucumber slices or towels to do surface dressing, can receive the stretch wrinkles, keep skin tender the strange effect. Mixture of cucumber juice with lemon and skin care beauty, would help to remove freckles, skin whitening. The approach is cast in the face of several layers of clean lemon cucumber juice to maintain 40 to 50 minutes, then washed with water, then painted skin cream, you can receive 20 days of continuous smear results. In addition, the oily or neutral skin to regularly wipe her face with milk and lemon juice mixture, but also whitening the skin.

Sibu Beauty addition to dark spots

According to scientific studies, the pineal gland is known as the magic faded than spots, so called "melatonin." After it enters the blood circulation, to play its natural function to play a cosmetic effect. From oats, corn, ginger, cucumber, bananas, eggplant and other foods, can be found melatonin.

In addition to color skin beauty beauty vitamin fade effects are more significant, such as vitamin A, vitamin E is resistant to the aging of nerve cells, destruction of free radical activity, and promote blood circulation, regulate hormone secretion, inhibition of skin aging, skin pale and smooth and delicate; vitamin C is an antioxidant, inhibit oxidation, prevent pigmentation; vitamin B6 has a faded scar than the role of melanin, vitamin B6-rich foods are chicken, lean pork, egg yolks, fish, shrimp, peanuts, soybeans and products.

Fruits, helps skin care. This is because, to 25 ~ 3O-year-old man after the body of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity decreased, increased reactive oxygen species, which has destroyed the collagen fibers in the skin, causing wrinkles appear, but also damage the skin's moisture factor - hyaluronidase, resulting in rough skin, chapped, and the emergence of brown spots. If a reasonable diet, often rich in pectin from the fruit intake of adequate carotene, SOD will enable the body to increase, wrinkles, dark spots, pigmentation or delay does not appear there. If pregnant or similar to prevent spots acne, it can advance more intake of selenium, magnesium and other trace elements in food. Such as black sesame, wheat germ, shrimp, animal kidney, liver and other high content of selenium. Magnesium mainly from chlorophyll containing vegetables and other multi-colored plant food, in addition, millet, barley, wheat, oats, beans, nuts, seafood is also a good source of magnesium. Drink green tea every day can also play a good cosmetic effect.

Let Black mysteriously disappeared

My skin is mixed, usually T shaped parts of the face very easily out of oil, causing the surrounding skin, large pores, even more upset of the integrated product of these factors is - the blackheads on his nose. According to reports, blackheads is due to excessive oil secretion, resulting in blockage of oil pores exposed to the air oxidation of grain formation.

Since then, the nose of the "Sesame points" into my heart, "always" pain. Until one day, health Email sent letters to me, told me to use baby oil can easily deal with blackheads, and is in the face after cleansing, massage with baby oil black-capped above the nose. Of course, this is the need for patience, because the oil is not an instant thing dissolved, so a period of time, such as 1 hour or so. The principle seems to be the main ingredient in baby oil is mineral oil, which is able to dissolve grease, correct or not, I also difficult to trace.

That night, while watching TV while I massage according to the law, although the posts required a long time on some, but I had about half an hour massage, you feel the finger, little things like particles, it is said that is Black grease a sudden burst of ecstasy heart is really fantastic ... ... then I looked carefully at the nose, really good effect, "sesame point" cleared a lot. But this massage once or twice a week as long as you can do, and for me this is lazy MM, can be considered once and for all instead.

Remove spots and wonderful face

The so-called "spot" is derived from the skin surface, the shape was irregular, there is no uplift rash of color phenomena, is a skin pigment disorder problems. In theory, facial spots for no adverse effects on human health, but had to admit, for the emphasis on image and beauty of the new new women, facial beauty spots is really a big kill vital, who do not want to be eradicated?

However, the heat of the summer, if Ms. Amy would like to freckle, be wary. It is because summer is not suitable for freckle. Appropriate treatment to late autumn and early winter season is better then the minimum injury to the skin.

Also, pay attention to peeling freckle way, some peeling of the chemical substances in skin bleaching elements, often due to the concentration effect of the chemical nature of individual differences in cuticle damage caused by excessive exfoliation, skin redness, burning, scaling. Not only failed to achieve the objective of beauty cream, but induced facial black scab, frustrated life.

Removing stains off the right way should be:

1, to prevent

When the temperature is above 25 degrees, outdoor activities, the measures necessary to choose effective dark skin coated with sunscreen and an umbrella, wearing a hat;

2, which make up

Kidney Yin, Shugan Qi, and in blood, can use oral beauty, while accompanied by vitamin C;

3, diet

Eat more foods useful for preventing sunburn, such as tomatoes, tangerines, oranges and apples.

Also pay attention to:

Massage is not too frequent. Massage helps to promote blood circulation and metabolism, it is true, but massage once a day is enough. Each about 5 minutes, massage should not be too hard, action should be gentle, and the pace faster. If you massage the skin over it will accelerate the aging, and even produce spots, Bukebufang.

Removing fruit and vegetable beauty spots

Fruits and vegetables is a very ancient beauty cosmetic surgery, is also a draw on the essence of natural plants to absorb nutrients for the natural beauty of skin surgery. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of the nutrients and vitamins, trace elements, increased consumption and external application on skin elasticity and moisturizing gloss is great benefit. In particular the use of natural raw fruits and vegetables in the juice for whitening care. Both safe and effective for simple and convenient, after all, a good method of beauty.

Way to fruits and vegetables generally have two kinds of beauty, one is the juice applied to the face or used for facial cleansing. One is directly to do with the fruit and vegetable fruit and vegetable spreads in the face mask.

Cabbage is the most common appear as a vegetable. For skin with dark green juice may face wash. Dark skin, the skin is usually biased because it is acidic, so after washing, making available a number of green juice face, juice contained in the skin absorb chlorophyll is so neutral. Watermelon contains yellow, green, red three-element composition is quite comprehensive, is "complete" nutrition. Face wash with watermelon juice, dark skin will turn white. Fresh radish, but also freckle whitening and moisturizing emollient function, we can wash the radish juice after the ground up, wash your face morning and evening after the shoot in the face with a juice can. If the face has freckles, and we also have the option of fresh eggplant, the eggplant into small pieces with a knife, rub the face with freckles position, until the clean up red. Face with the juice there are other ways, but must adhere to a daily, persistent, will receive the desired results.

Mask used to do their own fruits and vegetables, may be a bit troublesome, but it is a very challenging job, get in and create fun, happy to get in the harvest. The simplest is to cut into thin slices leftover watermelon rind, paste in the face with spots Department, melons gently massage can last longer. Almonds, peeled after heat blisters, broken, to reconcile with the egg white into the mask, facial mask every night before bed to do once a night, then warm water wash away the next morning. Can eliminate facial dark spots, reduce wrinkles, moisturize the skin. If there are no almonds, with Lizi Ren also have the same effect.


Sexy women thigh, is sitting out

Do you often rough due to their fat legs suffered supercilious? Do you worry every day how to download it to cover up with thick legs? Do not worry, women sexy legs can take out the root, so you have so that men can not resist the sexy thigh roots, so Tuicu MM out of trouble, be freely spring Summer passion!

Lin Chi-ling most proud is to have a pair of legs, she let the number of men can not resist, letting the number of women jealous. Do you still have a pair of thick legs and to fret about it, you also want to have such sexy legs it? Want to have to reveal sexy thigh What? Then eat the following description of the kinds of food, and a different posture, try sitting in the sweet taste can stovepipe it!

The food of four stovepipe

Apple is much more calcium than normal fruit-rich, help out in vivo metabolism of excess salt. "Malic acid" can be metabolic heat, to prevent lower body fat.

Papaya eating too much meat, fat accumulation in the lower body. Protein degradative enzymes in papaya, pumpkin factors can assist in breaking down the meat, reduce the workload of the intestine, so that sensuality has become a stick thin legs.

Egg in the vitamin B2 to eliminate fat, other phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1 is on the lower half of the meat to remove the effect can not be ignored.

Kiwifruit is very rich in cellulose content, fiber absorb water expansion can produce satiety. In addition, fruit fiber to increase the decomposition rate of fatty acid factors, to avoid excess fat and thicken to the leg.

Able to sit out of four women sexy thigh sitting posture

1, ladies sitting: sitting in the right angle on the basis of so upper body tilted to the left, for 15 seconds, the same way again on the right tilt. Can be carried back and forth 30 times, 1 to 3 times a day. Long-term exercise on the lateral thigh and waist fat reduction effect is obvious.

2, cross-legged sitting: in the bedroom reading or watching TV, change the lazy posture, back straight, sitting cross-legged, insist 20 minutes, rest for 10 minutes for other positions, and then sit cross-legged, repeated cycle that is be. Sitting cross-legged can change the X-type legs, and can reduce the fat thigh, leg enhanced toughness.

3, Japanese sitting posture: first kneeling stool or bed to keep lower back straight, sitting on his lap and then the hips, upper body weight is all the pressure in the two thighs. Persist 15 to 20 minutes each, 1 to 3 times a day. This action can be tough leg workout, stretching muscles, fat thighs by sitting too much to change the phenomenon.

4, right-angle sitting: sitting position in the Japanese based on the knee bent at right angles to the knee joint at right angles to open, then gently press and hold the toe to maintain balance. Adhere to two minutes each time, then resume Japanese sitting 1 minute, 2 minutes and then sitting right angle, and so can be repeated 10 times, 1 day 1 to 3 times. This action can eliminate the inner thigh fat, to the effect of fiber legs.

Teach you how to use Concealer

Concealer also as a foundation. The flaw is the pursuit of the perfect face skin beauty girls can not stand, and how to do a flawless beauty, how to use the Concealer. She was striking to see a new round in a small compact.

Each person's face would have this kind of defect, the use of Concealer can make your face smooth and delicate to reproduce. In the make-up to first take all the cover off the face of the flaw, then the makeup. Professional makeup artist said: Concealer is a makeup base, not a flawless Qiao Lian, can not be of the perfect makeup. Today, there are many products available in the market Concealer, more and more people buy, Concealer has become a trend! So you have the perfect face, from here.

Concealer is a cream, liquid Which is Better?

Concealer different product characteristics, the extent of their moisture and hiding power is also a difference, make the most lasting makeup face of natural selection Which one?

Tip: position effects to consider.

The effect of liquid covering Concealer better, but the technology must be skilled makeup; Cream Concealer to cover the lower capacity, but refreshing texture. Need for individual skin type or condition, the general need to prepare two different texture products, because holding dry silty Concealer covers dark circles, bags under the eyes prone to fine lines or cracks in the predicament; the contrary, acnes, moisture product is difficult to attach.

First with the foundation or the first Concealer?

Need to isolate the full-looking finish, decorative end, repair Yan, Ding Zhuang four steps, bottles and jars headache, always confuse the order of the makeup.

Tip: After the first wet-dry not Tuozhuang.

Concealer contrast the viscosity of goods and looking finish, first in the dry and humid in the use of water sufficient liquid foundation, if the first paint Concealer again to liquid foundation very easy to just Concealer part destroyed. The use of powder primer, if you will Concealer painted above the foundation, there will be floating makeup phenomenon.

Dark, light of the election which color?

Off-white, color, yellow, green ... ... do not know what color for the color not only cover any of the wrong defect, it will appear uneven face.

Tip: more natural colors complement each other

To deal with the black eye and vascular applications Fanqing yellowish hue; green reddish acne and redness to deal with good effect; pan-brown spots and muddy are used close to the color of Concealer products. Similarly, concave cover local and pox pits and nasolabial folds, use color than the color light of a number of Concealer; want to achieve the effect of contraction, such as prominent acne, we must use more than skin deep on the 1st of.

Step 5 Use makeup to create the summer light

Step 5 can be as long as the hot summer months to create perfectly clear flawless skin, start now -

1, the completion of the basic skin care procedures, sunscreen, or with the Cream SPF.
2, with liquid Concealer to cover dark circles and bags under the eyes and other parts of the liquid on the bags under the eyes of the head and tail Concealer, again pushing the middle.
3, face covered with cream Concealer acne, freckles. When to Apply Concealer to remember the central point in the acne and then slowly open shot.
4, when the cover is available after all Concealer Concealer shedding as part of Dingzhuang. Stained loose powder eye shadow brush with a sweeping brush slowly, zhuang more stickers.
5, after the local Dingzhuang to do for the whole face Dingzhuang. Oily skin can puff gently press, dry skin with a large makeup brush swipe.

Xiao Bian Recommended Zhexia cream

The body shop cream tea Zhexia

The product is transferred rational Concealer. Soothe the skin with tea tree oil, modified defects, scars and red spots, and will not look thick and unnatural.

Shu Uemura no time to color bars

Sponge to the top of the design, even the liquid is also very easy to conceal facial wrinkles and scars is excellent.

MEIKO Japan brightly Concealer

Opacity, especially for facial freckles, dark spots for people to use.

Women how to prevent strain of lumbar muscles

Long-standing operator, such as in hair, sales and other working women, due to continued standing, waist tendon, ligament stretch has declined, local accumulation of excessive lactic acid can inhibit the psoas muscle of normal metabolism, which can lead to strain of lumbar muscles cause of low back pain. Often back heavy, heavy burden on the waist, or sitting for desk work, prone to scoliosis, low back pain caused by lumbar muscle strain and there.

How to prevent strain of lumbar muscles of six female methods

1, section intercourse, contraception do

Abortion and more, are prone to kidney injury caused by inflammation. Festive intercourse, contraception do the work.

2, mattress thickness was

Waist has a physiological curvature, thicker mattresses may be appropriate, moderate hardness can, so that lumbar plenty of rest.

3, high heels do not

Do not wear shoes too, tired easily increase the waist, long-term standing, walking as far as possible those who wear fewer. Meanwhile, the physical stage, try not to wear Di Yaoku lactation. High heels can create beautiful woman body, but also the health of women "killer" one. In the leisure time to remind you off your high heels as much as possible, so that the foot to relax, while alleviating the strain of waist.

4, lumbar muscle to exercise

Carrying a walking, yoga, jogging and so can exercise to the lumbar muscles at the same time, you can always wriggled do swallows flying exercise in bed before going to bed. For the sedentary office workers, you can repeat period of time every day to do chest movement (At this point, your elbows should be flat), and the waist to the backward, upward retraction.

5, Four Seasons warmth

Menstrual period, children and so can damage kidney, therefore, women should always pay attention to the waist in the warm. Such as the confinement period, wear long clothing to protect the waist, in order to avoid illness in the month of low back pain.

6, adjusting kidney yin

If excessive menstrual flow, often waist Leng Tong, sexual apathy, the kidney should be nursed back to health in time, women should be more kidney yin, strengthen resistance. Kidney can eat more of some foods, such as Chinese wolfberry, Chinese yam, longan, walnut. Also eat a number of proprietary Chinese medicines, such as Liu Wei Di Huang Wan. Yin Huo-wang, could eat Zhibai Dihuang pill, low back pain can eat Jinkuishenqiwan deficiency.

In addition to the beautiful, the waist is a close partner in our lives, the health of the waist is about our physical condition to maintain a healthy waist shaping on this basis your Xiaoman Yao. If neglected care of it more vulnerable to injuries. When over-tired, long sit long station, wear Diyao Ku, the confinement time ... ... you take into account the waist also bear with us. Health is a lifelong process, women conservation waist the same way.

Four classic therapeutic treatment of constipation prescription

Yan cold winter, Weak of. Cold body temperature by the strict influence of the physiological effects and porosity, a change in appetite.

Therefore, it is fair to mediate diet, the body must ensure that the full nutrient elements, improve the people's resistance and immune effects such as cold resistance of talent is necessary. How to eat healthy and talented safety? Posts do not launch winter home life diet health series, customized for your personal healthy eating in winter.

Great is the residue and water from the food composition, therefore, the number and frequency of stool and diet is closely related to the amount. Applications can also be reached diet treatment of constipation effect.

Constipation patients can use the following prescription for modulating the four diet:

① sesame oil mixed with spinach

250 g fresh spinach, salt, sesame oil. Practice is to wash spinach until the pot boil water, put salt, then spinach in boiling water for about 3 minutes in hot out, participate in sesame oil and mix well Serve. Eat it effective.

② sesame porridge

Amount of black sesame, rice 100 grams. Practice is to wash clean the black sesame seeds, dry fried ground up, each taking 30 grams, and 100 grams of japonica rice Serve with Zhu Chengyu. Eat it effective.

③ North Sydney apricot stew

Practice is to North Apricot 10 grams, Sydney 1, 30 to 50 grams of sugar, the same place the bowl, add appropriate amount of water, steam cooked (1 hour) Serve. Pear soup, eat it effectively.

④ fig honey porridge

To 50 grams of rice, washed into the pot, add water, amount to be put porridge boiling 30 grams Serve figs. He Yu honey when transferred.


10 strokes to support a porcelain-like skin skin trick

Lead: like beauty is not impossible, but you must for your beautiful effort. In fact, the old saying said, "No pain, no gain" applies to skin care. Since ancient times, there is no ugly woman, only lazy women. 10 strokes beauty trick, you beauty Erotic Duo Po.

1, is the skin of the sun

A lot of girls, sparing no effort for the cosmetic, but many girls still maintained the existence of loopholes that this sun! Beauty's evil hotbed is ultraviolet! Beauty like you and me, as it usually is efforts to maintain, and do not in the sun this small step in unraveling ah.

beauty tips: the maintenance of sunscreen during the day as the last step, use a sunscreen effect Cream is the most convenient way, remember to select both the spf / pa index products in order to really block UV uvb and uva.

2, more and more water to the skin

Skin moisturizer, is in the sun, the skin must also be efforts to implement the work. Almost all of the skin trouble, and the skin itself is insufficient moisture. Therefore, add enough water to help skin to maintain skin health and the basis for full code.

beauty tips: seasonal turn of the skin dry and not prone to the phenomenon, and therefore special attention to moisturizing care, timely use of available moisture mask, or in the basic maintenance of adding a collagen solution. Drinking enough water every day, but also from the body the best way to add water.

3, do not go to bed with mascara!

Although every night before going to sleep, be sure to go to bed again remover should be every girl knows the skin care practices are not up remover really is very basic, and important code of beautiful skin, regardless of overtime and more tired, more than carnival night, 10 million are can not be lazy ah! And did not shirk the mascara can kiss the pillow, but to the whole face of make-up are removable clean, can go to bed.

beauty tips: If you really too lazy to take the time, or really tired to turn, not step by step movement up remover eye lips and face, may wish to use a complete face up remover Cleansing Oil, which can be a removable eye lips and all face makeup remover wipe-type tissue, is also a good choice!

4, regular health checks for the skin

In fact maintenance of the skin, you should first thoroughly understand the status of their skin, and skin changes observed at any time, prescribe the right medicine to the most appropriate care for the skin.

beauty tips: Many cosmetic counters have provided a sophisticated skin detector, you can get by the skin test, a better understanding of the status of their skin.

5, details the most important!

Be considered a high section of beautiful girls, determine the standard is not only good and bad skin, or makeup is exquisite as simple as that. Our standard of review encompasses: the sandals heels are no flowers shells? Hands and feet nails are not clean and neatly trimmed? When wearing sleeveless vests have not revealed indecent body hair? Many of the girls was dressed, but in these small places to wear bang, even small details can fully take into account the girls can claim to be a real "high section of beauty!"

beauty tips: Heel maintenance requires patience, at least once a week: foot bath, exfoliating → → emulsion maintenance steps, go to bed every night when, to help your feet rub moisturizing lotion on and then put on cotton socks to bed. As for hand, foot and nail care, can carry a bottle of oil means the edge of armor, around the nail when free massage.

6, do your best makeup artist

Modern girls make-up and maintenance, are a big reason for want to own a better, more pleasant frame of mind. The same is true make-up, dress was a beautiful day out, is to create a pleasant mood for the most simple way is the only way to increase self-confidence. When you see a girl's brow perfect, flawless complexion naturally, in addition to enjoy the praise, the do not forget to show the beauty in front of you, actually came after some practice! As long as we practice, every girl can become a make-up master!

beauty tips: If you are a class of kindergarten students make up, then around a make-up to the habit of a friend for advice about high school students.

7, to kick the bad habit of absorbing chaotic

Some girls were very fond of oil absorption, From time to time we should come up here, oil-absorbing tissues, according to press, there suction aspiration. Skin the oil is a natural adjustment mechanism, of course, is to maintain appearance appropriate crisp clean suction means, but it would be counterproductive over oil absorption, skin oils more oil.

beauty tips: If your skin is weeping very serious problem, you should consider adding in basic maintenance of oil control products, while the skin is too dry can also cause excessive secretion of oil, so moisture should be strengthened.

8, stop the mob acne, acne

And pits of rosacea, pigmentation, black pock, should be long-term pain in the hearts of many girls! Such as acne or acne disorder caused by squeezing the consequences of our skin will be left for a long time mark. However, we still will not help when most of itchy to go and acne, acne confrontation.

beauty tips: the face of acne, acne, and it is the best way to peaceful coexistence. In addition to basic cleaning thoroughly, and then with a deep cleansing mask to use, or some anti-inflammatory products that can help acne, do not own and became a dermatologist, for over-extraction of acne or squeeze acne behavior. These improper extrusion, skin damage actions, the traces left behind in the face, redness of acne than never troubled you longer!

9, not when the horrors of women over make-up

How you insist on make-up? Did not draw eyebrows do not go out, or must each, on cosmetics lipstick, eyeliner all-embracing?

Appropriate make-up women to become beautiful, inappropriate or excessive make-up, but let women become a terrorist woman! Remember, make-up is to bring out the essence of your beauty, not for you to create a mask!

beauty tips: the so-called moderate make-up, should include the natural skin look shiny, Eyebrow refreshing uncluttered, bright eyes sparkle and bright red lips and cheeks a good color! So get ready inside your makeup bag: the makeup base, eyebrow pencil (or Xiumei Dao), mascara, lipstick and blusher, it is sufficient to create a beautiful face.

10, Do not let the perfume into the olfactory pollution

The largest is the principle of using perfume, "according to occasion" in the office, small conference rooms where space, light and suitable to use perfume, after all, you do not go to party, Just imagine, if you work around has been released into the atmosphere when you do not like the The fragrance, a day off may make you mad now! In addition, to participate in meal occasions are not used to strong perfume, because people come to hear good food and wine products, not to smell your perfume.

beauty tips: In addition to choosing different shades according to occasions, perfumes, spray perfume the way we should pay attention. Provide a better ambience for perfume way, when you dress complete, will be spraying perfume into the air, let themselves in perfume mist, you can have dressed in a coat natural charming fragrance.

Night time is the main conservation whitening

Lead: Although in this age of aesthetic diversity, "black" can not be considered to be ugly, but mm is a trace of their pursuit of dialogue did not fade. Therefore, cosmetic counter, whether the international big-name, or traditional Chinese brands, whitening products are not a minority. So these products just simply painted their faces and bodies, will be able to fully achieve the perfect whitening purpose? The answer of course is no. To really have and maintain a winning snow skin, not only 24-hour whitening, but also at day and night difference between the maintenance.

1 night maintenance

Night time is the main whitening maintenance, maintenance program can not be a bit sloppy.

1, cleaning is the first step in whitening. First for their own skin with removable makeup remover products, cosmetics, dirt unload the net, in use for the cleansing products clean again, the residual dirt in the pores in thoroughly.

2, the use of whitening facial massage cream massage 1-2 times per week. Whitening Cream with removing the old cuticle, the epidermis cohesion and stability functions, thereby reducing the face of the peeling phenomenon. At the same time can prevent pigmentation, freckles inhibited, wrinkles and dull production. Facial massage can promote blood circulation, improve skin's rough conditions, so as to enhance the penetration effect of whitening products.

3, to enhance facial cleansing and skin metabolism. Whitening mask once a week with a surface covered, whether it is tearing type, clean style, or a cloth on the type, or deployment on their own DIY mask does not really matter, as long as the appropriate features of their skin, it all OK.

4, for whitening skin care lotion. Makeup with cotton dipped in water, then pat or press the face with cotton, so that the skin is completely absorbed moisture lotion composition.

5, double whitening essence fluid to nourish the skin. Serum extraction of natural plant extracts, is concentrated in the skin care products, so do not use too much volume, as long as the palm of your hand drop on the 2-3 drops is sufficient, then the coating evenly across the face. Nourishment can reach a very good effect.

6, whitening lotion or night cream to rub on the skin layer of protective film. Whitening lotion and night cream to maintain skin's moisture degree. So at night the conservation process is essential. As long as the amount of latex in the palm or fingers down suitable night cream dipped, and then evenly coated with the whole face, you can rest assured that the sleep was.

Second, day care

Even at night whitening careful and thorough maintenance procedures done, but if completely relax during the day, then night-time efforts will be all in vain. Therefore, the same day whitening maintenance procedures can not be ignored.

1, cleaning is still the first step, because the previous night when the face of dirt remover thoroughly cleaned, so do cleaning work on the morning much easier. But easy is not taken lightly, to use with whitening ingredients Facial Foam cleaning the face, in the cleaning process, can be gently fingers the way to circle the face massage, face to help promote blood circulation, and finally with warm water wash on it.

2, patient completed maintenance work. Although the evening is the best time skin repair, but the sun during the day in addition to cleaning and outside, nourishing is not lax. During the day, after wiping clean white lotion, whitening lotion whitening essence and maintenance of the steps the steps and the same night.

3, and finally do not forget to rub the skin layer of protection against skin damage Cream, will be carried out in the end Oh whitening.

For Body Skin Care Quick Tips for rules see Korean actress

Lead: We often can see the TV celebrity in Korea skin are particularly good, we are all Asians, so basically we all have a similar skin, may be only skin care method does not lead us to question not improve the skin causes Today, the Korean women to share a particularly good skin secret.

1. Drink cabbage soup

Lee has a love for drinking cabbage soup tips, is to cook corn into the soup and boil it with a round white only, one with a grain of corn, and the right amount of cabbage, so taste the soup was great, probably as long as about half the time, Lee said affectionate feel begin to reduce their acne, and skin, are becoming a lot better oh. Moreover, this approach is relatively simple soup, so our daily lives at home can always hands, both have a good drink skin care effect, really kill two birds.

2. Exercise + diet

Jinjia Hai said his daily walk in the park near our home, day 3 laps. Breakfast must be rich to eat more, eat a little lunch on the civilian population more, eat less than the breakfast, dinner, eat vegetables and fruits mainly. Continued to insist that acne will slowly disappear, the skin will become smooth and elastic.

3. To do a good job with a reasonable diet

When an important date, a few days earlier banned the consumption of spicy food and fast food in the morning to eat fruit and grain-based major, snacks can choose to eat dairy products like lactic acid. This Liver detoxification, helps the body of toxins cleared to reduce the probability of occurrence of acne Oh.

4. Ensure that 8 glasses of water a day

Said female stars their beauty tricks, in fact, drink plenty of water is the skincare formula whereby, Jin Xuexi said they drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Compared to coffee, she prefers to drink green tea, green tea is a good skin care to drink, but not drink, so Jin Xuexi their usually drink 2 cups per day of green tea. Also, vitamin C, are all essential beauty beauty and health products.

5. Eat more foods containing antioxidant - Blueberry

Xu Enxi said he and the green tea every day, eat blueberries like that, there are nuts. Nuts should not eat, a 20-30G on it. Blueberry has a very good antioxidant capacity, can anti-aging and prevention of other diseases, can keep the skin smooth and has delicate, flexible oh.

6. Using online video

Kim Yoon know that, compared to aerobic exercise, physical exercise also can modify our body. Last night a lot about the physical movement of food, she will do what I do every day about 20 minutes. In order to prevent leg edema, when the night, but also in the soles of the feet Xiadian two pillows.

7. Adequate daily intake of vitamin

Water-soluble vitamins are stored in our body which is not easy, but vulnerable to exercise, smoking, drinking, stress and other factors as the impact of the loss of a daily amount needed to add. Yin Yu also taught all nails easily broken if we need to add vitamin A, wound healing is not easy, to add vitamin C, rough skin does not shine you need to add vitamin E was.

8. Sleep is the best tonic

Compared to high-priced skin care products and skin care products, guarantee quality of sleep, it means do the skin care. The morning after getting up that skin a little bit loose, so night sleep before the Jinshan Ying practice of using spray on the pillow and room spray a few more, then put on goggles. At the main types of skin care products using fresh, be sure to turn off the lights to sleep, if the light on sleep, feeling the skin feeling a bit hot.

9. Best to not use the computer before going to bed

Except in special circumstances, as far as to sleep before 12 o'clock midnight, do not use the computer before going to bed is a beauty secret. After prolonged use of computers to sleep the next day is prone to swollen eyes, face weeping, color is also easy to turn yellow. So if the next day to go to work or dating ladies should pay particular attention to this point slightly.

10. Moisturizing cream made with a sleep mask

Occasionally, a "floating makeup" in the evening can be spread on a bit thick moisturizing cream, got up and found keratinocytes to soften the face of many. At the best stage of skin care. Kim likes to use Italian crystal Biotherm's Capture lasting moisture gel, the next morning to find that special skin moisture, and detailed the.

I kind of anti-aging help good practice

How it can delay aging? Some good habits will help reduce your aging rate.

1. The sleep sleep

Many people already have deep-rooted notion that sleep 8 hours a day on the body is the best. Things are not entirely the case, because the sleep quality is also good and bad.

If you need to wake up alarm clock, need a nap every day, reading books or watching movies will fall asleep or doze off, may indicate you do not have high-quality sleep.

At this point, I suggest you can choose to meditation, yoga breathing exercise to help sleep. While maintaining the sleep environment dark and quiet.

Remember, serious feel with their own physical condition, when the body needs a break signal to send, be sure to go to bed.

2. Slow absorption quick call
This refers not only to smoking control and prevention of asthma, any respiratory factors affecting the health and life will be adversely affected. Your breathing can also affect other physiological functions of the body, such as blood pressure, heart rate, blood circulation and body temperature.

The first step is to learn to breathe, relax abdominal muscles. When the abdominal muscles relax, the most important thing is to give yourself enough time to call the appropriate way to air out. For example, the length of inspiration to do is 2 times the length of breath.

3. Institute of snacks

Studies show that a fancy meal on health is very important. Therefore, you should learn to snacks.

First, we must understand their own hungry every 2 to 3 hours, eat a small meal. If it is to go out for dinner, then ate half of the rest home, as a snack later. Secondly, more fish, and to choose the smaller fish, such as wild or organic salmon, fresh sardines.

Do not forget the food rich in fiber. Daily intake of 25 grams fiber foods such as whole wheat foods, whole oat foods, brown rice and so on. Also other cellulose-rich legumes, nuts, fruit.

A multivitamin every day, particular attention to the vitamin D supplement. In addition, the resveratrol in grape juice and red wine, and fish oil are all very good health.

4. Emotional exchange

The most important thing is to learn how to express their feelings, to tell the people around you love them. Meanwhile, the subscription a magazine about love. When you feel sad, you can turn the book to see, that things will get better together, the pressure will disappear.

In addition, you can also change the environment the effect of easing the pressure, such as to put some nice plants around in the walls hang the works of art they like and so on.

5. With the music and dance

Rhythmic movement of the body than the arbitrary exercise is more beneficial, when the body is the rhythm of the music movement, heart rate, breathing rhythm can get the beautiful unity.

Naturally into the dance of life is a very easy thing to do, like you can exercise with the music, or music with a twist the body in the bedroom. Like this "dance" at least twice a week.

Nine young women secret

Women are probably the most promising than the "panacea" of. Recently, the United States, "Health" magazine to keep young women reported a 9 secret, which is more than skin from the United States, breast, gynecological and psychological aspects of the authority of the experts recommendations.

Secret 1: retaining a good face. New York City Dermatologist Dr. Baobibuka, women 30 years of age, facial skin begins to sag, slight skin wrinkles. He suggested that daily use of potent sunscreen; night use containing vitamins A or class of vitamin A, night cream, facial skin cells to promote growth.

Secret 2: breast care. Pregnancy, breast-feeding can lead to sagging breasts. Dallas female fitness expert Laitekeer experts said, exercise will improve the appearance of chest muscles. Training is best to wear a sports bra to prevent breast jitter significantly increased the sag.

Secret 3: Keep the "sunshine" feeling. Depression can cause premature aging women. Georgia Integrative Medicine expert, Dr. Christina Gus Ta Fusen women adequate intake of B vitamins, helps eliminate depression.

Secret 4: sleep well. Menopausal hormone disorders, daily stress will increase this age sleep problems. Dr. Gustafson suggested that sleep will lead to rapid loss of body magnesium, women should supplement magnesium.

Secret Five: Anti-thick waist. More easily lead to changes in female hormones thicken the waist. Dr. Gustafson said, "5 days a week, exercise 20 minutes a day" campaign mode than "three days a week, each time 1 hour" campaign mode better.

Secret 6: Paul intelligence. Women's brain began to decline from 40 years of age. Dr. Gustafson said, to participate in classes, learn cooking, musical instruments and other new techniques to help prevent cognitive decline. Also, eat more salmon and tuna and other beneficial brain foods.

Secret 7: Preventing wrinkles. If the late frost, deep anti care and sunscreen can not prevent facial wrinkles, you can try the hyaluronic acid fillers. Dr. Buka, injection 1 can be maintained for 1 year. Consult a dermatologist before injection of the proposal.

Secret 8: reduce pain. After 50 years of age, as articular cartilage degeneration, osteoarthritis onset. Cole said, jogging, cycling and swimming and other sports the most appropriate for the age group of women to reduce pain.

Secret 9: Keep sex. Women fifty years old, having sex more regularly allowed to look younger. If the feeling of vaginal dryness, may wish to use hormone cream (the most secure short-term use), or containing L-arginine (help stimulate sexual desire) of the lubricant.


Fall Runzao therapeutic side

Qiu-Bing Yin

Approach to large pear cut from the neck of Qi to the core hollowed out, put 10 grams of crystal sugar, cover and put it into a small bowl and steam for one hour, with skin with water after eating. Twice daily, with service three days.

Effect cure dry cough without sputum, constipation urinary red. Also applies to cold cough, acute bronchitis.

Taboo yang constitution, those who eat less phlegm constitution.

Five juice drink

Practice pear juice, fresh Ouzhi, horseshoe juice, fresh reed rhizome juice, juice component Ophiopogon the same, and after against the cold. Twice a day, three days of continuous service.

Effectiveness of heat and nourishing yin, help phlegm wet, so for fever after fever, polydipsia who have disability allowance drink.

Taboo of yang, phlegm eat

Drink chrysanthemum Luohanguo

9 grams of white chrysanthemums practice, Mangosteen 1. Put the cup with boiling, bubble day, once a multiple exchange water to drink.

Effectiveness of heat and lungs, eyesight, suitable for wind-heat Dryness of Sjogren's syndrome, dry mouth and throat, with two dry color, thirst, dark urine will end.

Taboo of yang, Qi deficiency with caution.

Honey carrot juice

A large white radish practice, wash hollow center, into 100 grams of honey. On the bowl, add boiling water, drink twice a day.

Effectiveness of lung, cough, phlegm. For acute and chronic bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Yang is not appropriate physique taboo cold, not a long drink.

Sang apricot drink

10 grams of mulberry leaves practice, almonds, Adenophora of 5 grams, 3 grams as Fritillaria, skins 15 grams. The above ingredients add water, amount, together with boiling 35 minutes, and then to Java juice, add the right amount of rock sugar to taste can be divided into sub-served.

Shufeng cooling effect and lungs cough, upper respiratory tract infection for the lung injury hot, dry little or no sputum expectoration, negative throat, headache and fever.

Minimize the use of yang taboo.

Almond Milk Tea \

200g peeled almonds practice, ground into fine powder, 200 grams of sugar, milk, 250 ml, three against and, after adding suitable amount of water, filtered boil.

Lungs and cough efficacy, especially for those who phlegm.

Contraindications diabetes can not drink.

Good health should pay attention to the five winter SAR

The human body has five health zones were in the back, spine, chest, abdominal umbilical and ear. Five a day to do this winter, the SAR's health, can promote the metabolism, strengthening the body, so as to achieve physical fitness, illnesses and sickness results.

SAR 1, abdominal umbilical

Wellness Key words: elimination of abdominal fat, control of constipation.

Belly navel is a very important health care experts, "fortress," said Chinese central navel belly "God Que." Abdominal umbilical Anrou stimulation, conditioning, can Yifei Gu Shen, soothe the nerves rather heart, Shugan gallbladder, Tom Lee triple burner, to prevent and fitness.

Roufu also atherosclerosis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, cerebrovascular disease, obesity has a good role of adjuvant therapy.

Health approach: hands overlap, according to the navel, moderate force, while maintaining natural breathing, clockwise around the umbilical Roufu.

The crowd for lack of exercise daily is recommended spare time or develop a walk in two-hand turn when the beat (frequency of once per second) in the lower abdomen for 20 minutes, with the promotion of the role of abdominal metabolism.

SAR 2, ear

Wellness Key words: preventive ear frostbite, help raises the kidney.

Chinese medicine stresses kidney open into the ears, often rubbing the ear auricle can prevent frostbite, and can play a strong waist Jianshen-cultivation sickness role.

Care Method: Pull the ear lobe. Hand index finger up the inside of the tragus, the index finger, thumb pulling the tragus, ear lobes, pulling from the inside out, approach from light to heavy, traction force is limited to not feel pain every 3 to 5 minutes.

Mount helix hand. Two-hand Kong Quan to the thumb, forefinger along the helix water pushed down from Mount, until the helix congestive fever.

Tira Apex. Hands of the thumb and index finger pinch ear tip, move up pulling, rubbing, kneading, friction and 15 to 20 times, make some hot red. This method has sedative, analgesic, clear eyes and brain, cooling and other effects.

SAR 3, chest

Wellness Key words: enhanced cardiorespiratory function.

The strength of the immune function of a person, to a certain extent, depends on the concentration level of thymosin on the thymus to conditioning stimulation, can prevent cancer disease, physical sickness.

Health practices: right breast with his right hand on top, fingers under oblique, moderate rubbing to the left by pushing the lower abdomen, back and forth rubbing touch 50; for friction left in the same way 50 times. Then, and then hand back and forth up and down the middle with friction against the chest 50 times; can beat the chest with both hands alternately back, the remaining 100 for each shot, sooner or later, do it once.

Chest rub can "sleep" in the active state of thymus cells, improve heart and lung function.

SAR 4, back

Wellness Key words: improve immunity, prevent colds.

Regular meridians and the muscles on the back, scrape, rub, hammer in accordance with, slap, you can clear the meridians, An Xinan God, to help prevent influenza, also rubbed the back of the middle-aged patients with chronic diseases have a certain effect of adjuvant therapy.

Health approach: sooner or later in the day, rub (rub) back, beat back or health hammer back (including back and neck); or take back massage therapy, such as back scraping, chiropractic, and cupping.

The series, spinal

Wellness Key words: promote digestion, prevention of common diseases spine. About 70% of the person who usually lack the proper spine care in making it the SAR had a disease. The SAR has four physical curved spine, the most prone to lesions in the neck (cervical spondylosis), and lumbar flexion (lumbar muscle strain, lumbar disc herniation).

Health Methods: Children anorexia, a partial eclipse can massage along the spine on both sides of Jiaji. Every night on the spine massage therapy, Gua Sha, cupping go, gently pat.

In the spine, DC acupuncture, moxibustion and Chinese medicine Apitherapy, the spinal cord of spinal nerve pain and separation of ankylosing spondylitis treatment.

Whitening skin care program in winter paranoia

Their endless pursuit of the white, spring, summer autumn and winter, apply L-C mask, search whitening food, with a beach umbrella, wear clothes, pay close attention to make the skin look "white." Group of white paranoia, every year in the winter done its homework in advance, keep in tune with the protection, so that faster whitening more, go faster.

White chain "food" for the first

Do not think that as long as the "face" effort spared, they will regain a white Qiao Lian. Always beautiful from the inside, the food chain is also the white part must not be missing. You can eat white foods are becoming the new darling of white people up. Milk, eggs, tofu, fish such as food coloring shallow, so easily discharged melanin can also reduce the burden of internal organs. At the same time, it should reduce the dark to eat food or drink, such as dark tea, cola, coffee and chocolate. The ability of light-sensitive foods such as parsley, carrots, celery, also to eat sparingly.

Vitamin C, protein and minerals, vitamin A are high-quality source of nutrition for skin whitening. Therefore, consumption of fruits and vegetables containing these ingredients, it is best to raw food-based. If you can not be eaten raw, on the way to eat soup. In addition, food rich in vitamin A can oil to cook with, so more conducive to absorb.

Recommendation: VC, almond, pearl powder, soy milk

Recommendation 1: Vitamin C

Vitamin C with a whitening effect, but the best vitamin C vitamin C capsules, foam or vitamin C tablet, is lost in the water will dissolve what kind of foam, but also to eat sooner or later. Even if vitamin C intake because too much will be discharged with the urine will not accumulate in the body, needed to add at some of it anyway.

Recommendation 2: Almond

Almond and vitamin C, must drink every day. In milk or almond milk for a dip into the powder, drink every day whitening effect can be seen very quickly.

Recommendation 3: Pearl powder

The market has sold a package of a package of pearl powder every morning and evening to take, there are good whitening effect. Pearl powder can also tune with the spreading face mask, tone inside the lip balm to Lip, tune in to protect the hand in the hand cream.

Recommendation 4: soy milk

In addition to white milk, but also to add strength. If you have less than meat, or the morning after getting up is often not the spirit, you can get up after playing a drinking cup of hot soybean milk raw eggs, do not add sugar if Papan.

Winter sun at any time

White is from the inside out, leaving your skin renewed glory, but also need to protect the skin from outside damage from external stimuli, so sun protection is to be done all year round white top priority. Winter, just a skin whitening season to resume, because the winter than the summer sun in the UV is much weaker, so the melanin will naturally subside, at this time to repair summer damage by ultraviolet radiation, skin white and tender will be restored faster Therefore, one must not miss this great opportunity.

Many people think that winter as in summer the sun as violent, they do not paint on sunscreen. In fact, this is only the difference UV intensity, whether high or low temperatures, as long as UV radiation can not ignore the sun. Sunscreen (sun protection even to high) of sunscreen efficacy is a timely, and would like to maintain the effectiveness of a full day of sun, the proposal is still in the paint once before lunch and then go out again.

Even if the snow place to go to travel, you can not forget the sunscreen. The snow on the ground directly reflected sunlight, not only tan the skin, if sunny, then even the possibility of sunburn. This is like summer to the beach sunbathing, so too should use sunscreen and protect the performance of some slightly stronger bit of sunscreen.

Natural white, though unique, but to know the damage of UV on the skin than in the melanoma, there is the ability to skin aging. Sunscreen to prevent skin damage by ultraviolet rays, so women have a fair complexion or a girl, use sunscreen, do not rely "white" without fear, or peril.

White sun to do well Seasons

To maintain fair skin, you have to do the work of the four seasons sun. Not only in the summer, as long as after a day of sun, I will use the ice surface covered at home, calm, nourish one time. Also, I think more than make-up remover to be important, and this is a good skin clean and transparent way.

First replenishment re-whitening

Process of whitening the skin is actually the process of updating and cleaning, try to get rid of the aging of the stratum corneum makes the skin drier, and dry skin is very easy to produce melanin, so the need for timely replenishment of nutrients and water. Moisture is any skin, any season is to do basic homework, how to make things correct Whitening Whitening is a topic of concern over people.

With the advent of winter, due to lower humidity, the skin becomes dry, the metabolic rate slows down, resulting in injuries to the skin cells pile up, so that a reduced ability of skin to retain moisture, thus creating rough skin, dry. Use in wet skin whitening products, whitening ingredients to the maximum extent, the most rapidly absorbed by the skin, the product can play a maximum whitening effect.

To whiten and moisture, they need to learn to use cosmetic "water." Water is sacred beauty, water to help remove toxins from the body, increase metabolism, maintain a daily habit of drinking eight glasses of water, skin melanin deposition is not easy and will not form a stain. Fasting early morning wake up drink cold white should be open, such as the increase in water and lemon slices, then the beauty is more effective. 30 minutes before going to bed at night can also drink a glass of water, so that cells absorb, can prevent wrinkle formation.

Water is very important to lock moisture

Sunscreen, whitening and moisturizing of any season should be noted, even winter, can not effect. Outdoor activities, the face of the computer, in addition to moisturizing the homework must be done, but also need to smear white sunscreen. Eat more foods containing vitamin C, is also a good way to benefit the skin whitening.

Beauty Q & A

Expert guidance: Wang Ying

Senior beauty experts, Beijing Institute of Dermatology, Tzu Yi Tang, director, melasma treatment center director. 12 years experience in freckle, address thousands of patients face problems in the few papers published in the media freckle.

Q: I am just a mother, baby 3 months after giving birth, my cheekbones on both sides have two spots, What kind of spot it?

A: Your spot should be diagnosed as pregnancy spots, melasma is a kind of, because after pregnancy, hormonal changes and the formation of such a spot adhere to symptomatic treatment, cure more likely. In addition, the treatment will not impact on breastfeeding.

Q: I am almost 50 years old, from last year face long two spots, and skin is yellow and black, very white skin when I was young, and this is why?

A: 50 years of age at menopause, usually due to estrogen decline, it is easy to long melasma, menopausal women should eat soy foods, such as tofu, soy milk, etc., to supplement estrogen. Pale yellow and black, in terms of Chinese medicine and qi and blood deficiency, which can be eat more brown sugar, jujube and other food.

Q: I am 50 years old, young, the skin has been very good. May last two years, I do not know how engaging, his face more and more ugly, but also yellow and dark, and spots came out, how do conditioning?

A: Your situation is more common, may be related to your menopause stage, his face yellowish, qi and blood deficiency causes greater. Because I did not see you, cause you bad assertion. However, the situation like you can conditioning, and we recommend that you identify the reasons for specific Recuperation of treatment, I believe your changes will be significant.

Dry winter chapped skin emollient coup against

The surface of the skin is the body's first line of defense, if the surface of the skin damage, not only bacteria, viruses and other pathogens are not blocking the drive straight, make people sick, but also because the surface of the skin defense weakened, the body skin surface channel to open, easy to allergens access, and induced allergic diseases such as allergic skin disease, affect the hand, foot function.

Dry winter and you will learn to deal with chapped skin emollient coup

As the surface of the skin keratosis metabolic disorders, or fungal skin infections, or skin allergies, skin lesions occur, such as hand, foot and ringworm, eczema, can cause epidermal hyperplasia, loss of elasticity, brittle fracture stratum corneum, resulting in chapped skin, and bleeding. Chapped skin occurs, often the following situations.

1. Congenital metabolic disorders of epidermal keratosis, such as ichthyosis, palmoplantar keratoderma, as epidermal hyperkeratosis, epidermal lack of fat, lose elasticity, resulting in chapped skin.

2. Dry skin of children, women, the elderly, the skin surface to reduce oil secretion, lack of dry weather in the winter, especially hand and foot skin will be dry, chapped.

3. Often with soap, detergent washing of the people, as well as regular contact with gasoline, kerosene, coal, lime, cement workers, due to loss of sebum, hand-foot skin prone to dry, chapped.

4. As endocrine disorders, some of the women (young women and menopausal women), prone to the hands of the diagonalization, leading hand, foot and chapped.

5. Some allergic skin disease, hand and foot eczema, eczema in particular chap, loss of normal function of the skin, reduce sebum secretion, skin thickening, hyperkeratosis, hand, foot and cracked easily.

6. As the fungal skin infections such as Trichophyton rubrum, causes chronic infections, skin inflammation, skin keratosis abnormal formation of hyperkeratosis type tinea, horny thickening of the skin, to the winter and lead to chapped.

Chapped skin occurs, in addition to using more anti-chapped, skin return to normal medication, but also to identify causes and correct bad habits, improve the working environment, and the need for different causes, each with a number of drugs used:

1. A hand, foot and ringworm, allergies keratosis merger chapped, cracked in addition to drug resistance can also use the combination of new antifungal drugs, such as Pevisone, mycophenolate grams, Fu Qi, Wan Lee, Lamisil cream and so on.

2. Have cracked eczema, in addition to drugs with anti-chapped, it can also combined hormone ointment, such as You Zhuoer (hydrocortisone butyrate), chlorofluorocarbons Shu ointment, ointment, etc. Yiluo Song.


Beauty guru selection of the best make-up water, 4 strokes

Selection of high-quality make-up water whitening tips

The more viscous the more moisture ◎

A bottle of good make-up water must have a lasting effect and better moisture permeability. In general, the sticky point of make-up water is relatively good moisturizing effect, such as gel-like or gelatinous make-up water, because moisture lotion ingredients usually plant extracts, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, amino acids with the viscous nature components.

◎ moderate degree of concern

Selection of white make-up water should pay attention to whether mild or exciting, because a lot of whitening ingredients can trigger allergic. Whitening lotion composition class usually have: VC, VE, with whitening effect of plant extracts and amino acids. Special Reminder: sensitive skin whitening products should pay attention.

What to eat fruits and summer and beauty and has the best resistance to heat

Lead: these days there are always beautiful women asked, what to eat fruit in summer can be too awkward and beauty and to resolve constipation. In fact it is a long-term constipation problems to cope with many aspects, first, to speak briefly today to address the use of fruit and constipation.

Beauty beauty be transferred within
Although constipation is not a serious illness, but its damage can not be ignored. First, women constipation, affecting beauty. Constipation increases the female body toxins, resulting in body metabolism disorders, endocrine disorders and trace elements are not balanced, so there skin pigmentation, itching, pale minimalist, dry hair and produce melasma, acne and acne.
1 banana

Banana 500 grams, before eating a food finished 1-2 times per day, and even clothes for several days. Indications heat of Secrets.
2 oranges

Citrus is rich in fiber and nutrients, can promote gastrointestinal motility and digestion, but also lowering blood pressure, lower blood pressure. Amount of food has a certain effect.
3 pears

Pears have laxative, diuretic blood pressure. Can be eaten in moderation, to prevent constipation. More suitable for high blood pressure constipation.
4, pomelo

Pomelo both laxative, but also lowering blood pressure, lower blood pressure. Amount of consumption, the effect of a catharsis.
5, Strawberry

Strawberry is not only rich in vitamins, and contains pectin, can moistening fluid, conditioning gastrointestinal, blood fat, preventing constipation.
6, fresh mulberry

Fresh mulberry 1,000 grams, 300 grams of fresh honey, boiled mulberry first 2 times, taking 1000 ml of decoction, slow fire concentrated to thick for the degree, adding honey and cook for a cease-fire boiling, cooling can be bottled. 20 ml per serving, with warm water, the daily 2-3 times. Indications of blood caused by constipation. Old people, better efficacy.
7, other

Peach, red bayberry, dates, watermelon, apricot and other vitamins, and rich in fiber, have the role of prevention and treatment of constipation

Small rough-legged liposuction plastic surgery

Summer, the majority of female friends like to wear skirts, cool, they were feminine, but women wear skirts legs thick, the horizontal shaft to see see, sturdy legs are always a failure of self-confidence to wear skirts in the crowd walked seems to be difficult to achieve the dream, how can we have a slender legs?

Plastic Surgeons, said most of the lower leg of crude fat accumulation caused by the partial, but also some people are caused by muscular, yet some people are fat accumulation and muscular

Both. To identify himself as belonging to that case, simply touch the calf forced to touch the calf fat thickness and muscle patterns to identify their calves are the type of crude.

Solution caused by the accumulation of fat thick legs, reasonable, effective and safe method is the implementation of local absorption of fat absorption, the majority of practice is in the medial ankle or back of knee popliteal to open a 0.5 cm small mouth, playing swelling anesthetics in vitro by ultrasound to break the fat cells, dissolved, with negative pressure to the suction. According to leg fat mass control operation time, generally two legs require a total of 1.5 hours or so. surgical aspiration of the fat cells in vitro, compared with exercise, diet, weight loss drugs and so on, it can significantly reduce the number of fat cells, so patients will not rebound.

"Crude fat legs" liposuction variable "small thin legs"

Plastic Surgeons, said the movement are generally not appropriate to make legs thicker, because the appropriate exercise can reduce subcutaneous fat, so the lower leg and fine; excessive and inappropriate exercise may have over-developed calf muscles, and become thick. On the fat caused by accumulation of thick legs, local fat liposuction more useful, but rough on the calf muscle is not necessarily effective. muscular legs to get rid of the crude is not fat but muscular.

Liposuction should adhere to wear stretch pants after

Liposuction done no absolute contraindications, women should avoid the menstrual period. All ages, male and female liposuction surgery can be done, now 20 to 40 years for more.

Small rough legs, liposuction

Every woman wants a full curve

Breast entire Raiders

Vitamin C: grape, grapefruit, etc., to prevent deformation of the chest.

Vitamin E: celery, walnuts, etc., will help breast development.

Vitamin A: Cabbage and sunflower oil, beneficial hormones.

Vitamin B: beef, milk and liver, etc., help to hormones.

Zinc, iron, calcium, protein: an essential nutrient.

Vegetables, fruit: the effect of a breast fit.

Diet type: jujube, Chinese yam, longan, Chuan Xiong, etc., had blood, blood, air entrainment effects.


Do not wear bra to sleep, some people mistakenly believe that wearing a bra to sleep outside to avoid the chest expansion and sagging, this is not right. Because the wire would be oppressed bra chest ribs, interferes with normal breathing, but when the bra in positional deformation, it should take off bra, easy to sleep! Long wear tight-fitting bra is a long-term due to chest oppression, will affect blood circulation, hinder breast development and health. Choose the right bra is essential.

Attitude Adjustment

Hunchback: Regular Hanxiong, hump, a long time will affect the health of the chest. Therefore, we should have confidence moving curve and keep their heads held high, and should always pay attention to Yo!

Bending over: As the pace of work stress, often involuntarily will Tayao, it will not only increase the burden of lumbar spine, but also hinder the blood circulation, thus affecting the development of breast muscle. So, often straight waist, standing against the wall and the chest will make you feel both comfortable!

Her arms: hands often surrounded by the chest posture will aggravate the burden of the chest. Try to relax and put their hands hanging naturally at the legs on both sides, or stretched, it will help to improve breast shape!

Pa Shui: Tummy sleeping will not only affect the beauty of the face and chest will be met with protest. To minimize the pressure, "it", sit to the right-wing micro is the best disaster POSE Yo!

Nose cosmetic surgery you fascinating

Good-looking or not the tip of the nose, tip of the stent from the supporting structure of the decision, play a major role in the nasal wing cartilage, the lateral foot and fornix; followed by the nasal cartilage, nasal septal cartilage Department. In general, the ideal fit to the protrusion tip, angle, and some fine points, surface. For these characteristics and requirements of cosmetic surgeons focus on the arc ① fornix; ② nasal columella and upper lip angle; ③ always higher than the dorsum of the nose. (Pictured) which is to specify the last point from every angle, tip of the nose are the most prominent part, this is the most important requirement for successful operation. Following Ya Liang introduce you to several nose reshaping cosmetic surgery.

(A) low nose surgery

1. Cartilage graft in nasal limbal incision made inside the nostrils, or do cartilage incision to expose the alar cartilage and nasal cartilage, as the case of the cephalic resection of alar cartilage in part or caudal part of the nasal cartilage. Cartilage was cut down, cutting after forming, sewing the top of the dome, raising the nose and ears can be harvested to do a cartilage transplantation.

2. Bilateral alar cartilage feet to move closer to France to do the side of the bilateral nasal columella incision to expose the alar cartilage of the medial foot and fornix, removal of the two soft tissue between the medial foot, and then in the past, the bottom of the Department and to do mattress suture of a needle, about two-feet closer inside. This method can raise the tip of the nose 2-3mm.

3. Alar wedge excision, such as basal tip of the nose shape is better, only slightly lower, the nose in the bilateral basal wedge of full thickness resection of an organization to receive nostrils, fornix on the sudden, that raised the tip of the nose.

(B) high nose surgery

Suitable protrusion of the nose, is the transition from the dorsum to the tip of the nose is straight and raise the process. If the larger arc elevation, claimed that high nose. Surgical treatment with good results. Do cartilage incision, retrograde nose to the tail side of the separation of cartilage fornix, the fornix of the most prominent part of the appropriate section of full thickness excision, stitched ends. Joint cartilage on both sides of intermittent shallow gash aim to weaken, steep but not sharp tip formation. Removal of part of the alar cartilage can also be located on the inside foot of the basement, but its effect was less than in the fornix removal.

(C) blunt square nose surgery

Look up observation, aesthetic standards were cone-shaped tip, contrary to this the blunt flat tip of the nose is clearly not the United States. Some people find cosmetic surgeons, said: "Please put my 'pig nose' modify it to read." This remark Daochu such nose to the point where an operation was inevitable. Within the margin of nose to nose surgery incision, completely exposed the fornix bilateral alar cartilage. Then cut the surface of 3-6 in their article, but not cut through. The alar cartilage and soft tissue between the medial pin removal, mattress suture to draw the two inside legs. Such as the tip of the nose lower elevation of the cartilage can be transplanted.

(D) hypertrophy nose surgery

Such people are commonly known as the nose as "garlic noses." Because the thick skin, subcutaneous tissue quantity, cartilage hypertrophy and there is a tendency outward bulging. Hypertrophy nose surgery nose surgery known as shrinkage (tipreductlon), treatment of the most challenging type of nose surgery, surgical incision or cartilage to edge incision. Fully exposed, free alar cartilage and nasal cartilage, even cut off all parts of fat and fibrous tissues. Removal of the nose Ruan Gutou side l/2-2/3, lateral to the medial and cephalad rotation feet, nose can be seen at this time within the collection. In demarcating the alar cartilage cartilage fornix interruption can not be cut off. Strengthening the nose or nostrils can not become a vertical cross, then do wedge resection in the nasal; such as nose due to high, you can cut the surface of the cartilage cushion in the vault in order to raise the nose.

Cosmetic surgery on the nose, there are many elements in this is not - repeat. In short, the tip of the nose cosmetic surgery and rhinoplasty as: complex and diverse, sophisticated concealment. Requested cosmetic surgeon on the nose of a more profound understanding of aesthetics. In addition, the best have some special surgical instruments, such as the special scissors, forceps, retractors, etc..

Victoria C fruit drinks can not replace the useless excess of the anti-pernicious to health beauty

At present, the dimension C drink increasingly fashionable white-collar workers and young people to buy many of the preferred. Although the dimension C drinks and other beverages priced slightly higher than, but this does not affect the success of high-end market to seize the juice drinks.

Some businessmen launched the "long dimension C drinks make people drink more beautiful, healthy" concept, it is this concept has attracted many young female fashion consumer groups.

However, this drink can really add nutrition and beauty it? Expert opinion does not seem to accepted.

Victoria C content beyond the bad drinks

Victoria C called ascorbic acid, as a water-soluble vitamin, its main role is to resist the nucleus of human plasma to reduce the free radical oxidation damage to the body. Victoria C also participate, including bone, skin and other organs of collagen synthesis. If the dimension C lack, it may cause bleeding, and even internal organs bleeding. Victoria C itself can not be synthesized in the body, must be added every day through food. Victoria C recommended adult daily intake is between 60-100 mg.

Chinese Academy of Agricultural Product Processing Research Institute LIU Yang researchers believe that the current market-dimensional C per 100 ml of drink-dimensional C content of between 25-50 mg, most of Victoria C content of 40 mg / 100 ml or more. Calculated by 500 ml bottle beverage bottle beverage dimensional C content of 200 mg, much higher than the recommended intake for adults. At the same time, he thought Victoria C higher sugar content in beverages generally, a lot of drinking will lead to excessive sugar intake, energy intake surplus.

Meanwhile, Victoria C drink more with preservatives, pigments, antioxidants, pectin, Vigo spirit, flavor, sweeteners, etc., these are the nutrients needed by the body. LIU Yang reminded, Victoria C drinks also added elements such as sodium, the body burden of excessive intake may increase the heart, causing blood pressure.

Tongren Hospital, Zhang Qian, MD, deputy director of nutrition against all drinks, he said: "No matter what kind of concept is used to package the product, whether it is advertising on the shape and how attractive, are not necessary. Dimension C is Water-soluble vitamins, we have by eating fresh fruit and vegetables can meet the body's needs. excessive intake of dimension C, one does not need a lot of other long-term exposure may cause dependence, once the dose is likely to cause internal organs to reduce bleeding, bleeding gums, skin spots and other symptoms. Of course the above is a more extreme example. "

Beijing Union Medical College Hospital Dr Li Ning is not in charge of nutrition to promote drink-dimensional C drinks: "Because of beverages containing sugar, eating too much sugar on the human body not only has no benefit, but also lead to obesity-induced diabetes there is a certain risk. Therefore, people with obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, people should pay attention to not drink these beverages. "

Drink drink and not beauty Victoria C

Many people choose to drink is directed at the Victoria C "healthy, beautiful" slogan came. In response, China Agricultural University, Food Science and Nutritional Engineering Professor Bao-Ping Ji: "Victoria C drink no effect on the beauty than to drink water. In everyday life, should be eating more of some natural fruits and vegetables from the food we add dimension C than to drink the beverage for the dimension C is much better. "

"All people have great relationships with the physical state, protein, fat, carbohydrates and so decided to major aspects of the physical body, then minerals, vitamins regulate the metabolism of energy, but they are not decisive. Dimension C has antioxidant role, can prevent cancer, anti-aging, but not reflected in the face, the fruit of the dimension C and other substances such synergy effects will be. "Zhang Qian Yue.

The data shows that: In 2005, our 7-22 year-old urban males were overweight and obesity were 13.25% and 11.39%; 7-22 year-old urban female rate of overweight and obesity were respectively 8.72% and 5.01%. Zhang Qian, the lack of exercise is one reason why overweight and obesity, eating junk food and drinks is also an important reason.

No substitute for fruits and vegetables

Research shows that eating more vegetables and fruits can reduce cancer, heart disease and diabetes, but "there is no evidence that drinking-dimensional C fruits and vegetables and drinks can be played instead of the same effect." LIU Yang said.

LIU Yang made it clear that the necessary human dimension C should be adopted by the daily vegetable and fruit intake to meet, followed by fruit juice, vegetable juice, and finally Victoria C drinks. Eat vegetables, fruits can also add other nutrients, such as other types of vitamins, flavonoids, carotenoids, anthocyanins, dietary fiber, potassium and magnesium. The synergistic effect of nutrients and Victoria C only makes the body healthy growth.

In his view, the high content of vitamin C fruits, such as the kiwi, orange, persimmon, eat one or two will be able to meet the body's vitamin C needs. Green peppers, red peppers, cauliflower, bitter gourd, tomatoes, also contain large amounts of vitamin C, eat 200 grams daily of the vegetables on vitamin C to meet the needs of the human body.

"Fruits are rich in dietary fiber, are insoluble and soluble dietary fiber, can promote human health, which are dimensional C drinks are not able to do." Zhang Qian said.

Ji Bao Ping recommendation: "Drink in the selection process, you can try to select less additives, sugar, and drink from natural substances, such as some pure fruit juice drinks."


Freezing shed more hair completely remove troubled

For women of my friends, when exposed to wear summer impact of excess body hair is beautiful and embarrassing, and to dispel many of these methods of body hair: shaving knife, tweezers pulling hair removal cream so not happy with the results, and some even more off the more . Freezing hair removal is your good choice, freezing hair removal and unwanted hair after you say goodbye.

Many people have used hair removal cream introduced himself, plucking tweezers, etc., but can not always maintain the long on and long out. And when each hair is very easy to scratch the skin and cause infection.

Experts say that these methods are not scientific, these hair removal methods are easy to make fine hair in the stimulation of growth, the state is more dense than the original. In fact, these excess body hair, as long as the hair removal method is entirely proper removal, hair removal, such as freezing point, the popular fashion of women of all ages.

Freezing point is the most advanced hair removal permanent hair removal as a method of hair removal results show clearly, the operation speed, no pain, no side effects on the human body, the skin effect is almost nothing.

Freezing point off is based on the principle of selective role of thermal dynamics, using the latest laser hair removal. Laser beam emitted through the skin surface will eventually absorb the hair follicle, through the selective absorption of laser energy to damage hair follicles and can not grow hair, without damage surrounding tissue. Freezing hair removal is simple, fast, without leaving scars after treatment.

Amazing actress you exclusive make-up skills

Stars nude makeup to leave the country share of fresh and natural beauty of people s heart, let's look at the big star on their makeup tips, and you can have all day to amazing makeup!

Of makeup primer to note: the most important fresh and clean skin, it should be thin and transparent skin of. Make-up before his face covered with a cover-spot cream spots (such as freckles, dark circles, etc.), then use liquid foundation, make your skin looks thin and natural.

The shadow of makeup can not be underestimated: according to clothing, personality, and color in the selection of colors. Young girls can choose brightness, high color purity, middle-aged women can choose warm colors such as light red bean color, light brown, light orange. When the amount of make-up do not get too much flour, first with light-colored eye shadow to play in the orbit, close to the eyelid where further layer of dark, so there will look over different levels.

Of makeup eyeliner with stress: to highlight the color contrast, can use black and brown, fashion, natural makeup and eye shadow can face the same liner.

Of makeup blush no less: to determine the well-being under the eye shadow blusher use of color. Blush should be natural, no obvious signs of characterization, the standard of painting is from the hairline to mouth oblique scan, the lovely painting is the zygomatic smile playing at the highest point.

Ptosis surgery knowledge

Ptosis can be divided into congenital and acquired two. They both can be unilateral or bilateral, that is, there is only one upper eyelid drooping eyelid is drooping situation or two. Congenital ptosis, usually caused by congenital weakness of the levator muscle, weakness, poor growth can be caused by congenital oculomotor nerve. The latter is often also have superior rectus muscle hypoplasia situation. Acquired ptosis may be due to neurological disorders, external injury, compression fracture, scar contracture, edema, hematoma or tumor caused.

Ptosis in degree is divided into mild, moderate and severe of three. Mild and moderate ptosis, the levator muscle that there is a certain function; However, if the side is shown as a big eye and one eye small, is very beautiful. Severe ptosis, said the total loss of levator function, the patient can hardly open eyes, not only looks ugly, is still seriously affect the learning, work and health words.

For groups: congenital eyelid ptosis sometimes associated with small eye fissure, epicanthus and other eye abnormalities in patients.
Surgical procedure: l, levator muscle shortening 2, 3 frontalis muscle suspension method, the amount of muscle flap

Impact effect of the four elements of eyebrow embroidery

Experts say: If only the pursuit of cheap and effective regardless of eyebrow embroidery, is bound to fail. Eyebrow embroidery daily operating room not only strict disinfection, also in accordance with the requirements of one person, one needle. Eyebrow embroidery operations in strict compliance with health supervision and disinfection processes, eliminate infection, safe and secure.

1 result of brow eyebrow embroidery design is the key

The quality of embroidery and embroidered eyebrow effect out of the eyebrow is satisfactory, the key is brow design. If not in accordance with the customer's own characteristics and eyebrow eyebrow shape to the design, remove the original eyebrows, from the eyebrow For lines out of a new eyebrow, eyebrow when the expression changes of stirring, and that the pattern can not be followed out of the eyebrow and the corresponding Mobile. Meanwhile, out of their eyebrows and smooth skin in a pattern of two black bars, naturally out of the question, "dimension", and so the two became stiff, unnatural and eyebrows, and when to be removed eyebrows again after a long out, it becomes a "4" eyebrows. Another situation is a result of customer seating and the lighting effect and eyebrow asymmetry caused by their own design of asymmetrical brow, one high and one low, one long one short, one wide and one narrow, has curved This pattern out of the eyebrows, of course can not be symmetrical.

2, effect of embroidery embroidery eyebrow eyebrow color is very important to use

Eyebrow color of the embroidery effect. Eyebrow embroidery are used in paint shades brown, gray, black, brown and so on, should be based on hair and skin color to choose. Asian hair color often have several colors mixed, it is dark gray and a little dark brown. Therefore, liquid eyebrow color embroidery from person to person and should be, partial black hair, darker skin, add a drop or two of natural gray black; hair yellow, gray skin than white add a drop or two of natural brown. In the experiment, many beauticians only a single dark gray or black to embroider eyebrow, it would be untrue embroidered eyebrows, not natural, and that eyebrow is dull and distorted.

3, eyebrow embroidery effect of the severity of the appropriate approach, suitable for the bias

Embroidery techniques suitable for the eyebrow effect. Eyebrow embroidery eyebrow should follow the direction of growth, master depth, density and skills. Brows, Mei Wei should be a little light color, density slightly sparse, but a heavier brow waist color, density, more dense, which is embroidered in shades of brow affordable. If the pattern of dark and dense eyebrows, then the entire eyebrow becomes rigid and inflexible. Also pay attention to the natural convergence of the transition bias, if the color depth of the line is too obvious, eyebrows will be distorted. When eyebrow embroidery techniques avoid too deep too dense, too deep lines, penetrate the skin deeper than the dermis, pigment cells will be engulfed by the blue pigment.

4, eyebrow embroidery effects and quality of the choice of pigment to grasp the

Eyebrow embroidery effect and the quality of the pigment. Individual without a good work ethic who embroidered eyebrow, in pursuit of lower costs and use low-grade pigment, can lead to eyebrow color blue, or off the color also will scab off. To customers painful and unnecessary trouble.

Six kinds of sweat moistening it Body Detox Method

First, the "skin toxin Self" - The following phenomenon is a true portrayal of what you?
Work stress, mood fluctuations, irritability, irritability;
Partial lower body fat, easy to edema;
Pale, often easily tired, pale compared with the same look even more old-age people;
Dandruff secrete, have body odor and bad breath;
Serious dark circles, eyes glazed look empty;
Did not intentionally lose weight, but it appears cellulite body;
Did not feel the spirit of the day, but could not sleep at night;
Stomach indigestion, suffering stomach.

Second, the skin type of people most of the detoxification?
1, the white-collar workers often face the computer, civil servants, teachers, IT and graphic design practitioners and other popular computer radiation poisoning of people.
2, long-term work in the outdoors, such as journalists, salesmen, market researchers and other long-term to work to make the skin the weather and time were subjected to UV hot poison.
3, The Way We Are tobacco and alcohol addiction, or handsome.
4, long-term to the kitchen as the main base of housewives who do not want to be Huanglian Po of smoke filled the vulnerability skin tone.
5, "unrestrained" fragile skin, often by plane, when the loose skin tight easy to relax when the business travelers.
6, due to work pressure, thereby affecting the skin skin luster, seriously affected the company's image, so that those who work benefits down.
7, due to personal habits and work impact on skin care ill, nutrition and skin care were often lacking.
8, due to poor working environment, the skin often exposed to dust, pollution, radiation, sun and crowds.
9, due to work tired, dull skin, lack of sleep the formation of matte, yellow, poor skin elasticity, and the negative symptoms of skin aging.
10, because there is no beauty, which led to derailment or deliberately neglected her husband married women.
11, has long-term use of toxic or hormonal cause cosmetic skin is very fragile and appear easy to allergies, easy to damage, long spot, Zhangdou and other skin problems are.

1, allowing the body to drink, "Herbal Tea"
Due to poor diet, living habits, the body gradually are somewhat cold. Flowers can be periodically bubble bath, so that the various organs of the body relax, metabolism will be even more smoothly, so that the capacity of the body sweating gradually recovered, and effectively change the cold body.
You need to do: roses, ylang-ylang, tea bags 1 each 25g into small after brewing with hot water, then add 30g ginger juice and a small piece of Vitamin C tablets, and went into the bathtub. This will ensure the effectiveness of all the flowers of which play out, effectively delay the aging of the various body organs, to restore the body's moisture-wicking capabilities. Moreover, the bath, you can harvest a good aroma, refreshing. Note that, due to the heat, bath water temperature should not be overheated, can be 35 degrees, not to create collapse Oh!

2, "anti-order Campaign" to promote perspiration
Want to become active sweat are appropriate, moderate amount of sweat a section, try reverse order sports bar. This is the first made by the German scientist, is now Europe and the United States has become the preferred family health movement, movement in the reverse order, taking down the most appropriate initiatives to promote the body sweating, thinking through the reverse movement of law to regulate the body's sweating mechanism.
You need to do this: Every morning around 7, carried out in the district go back to practice. The specific method is: go in the fall before the event the joints, spare warm-up exercise. Clamping arms, and as steps backward, swing arms, in order to achieve the purpose of physical activity, the initial heat, and discharge sweat. But must be noted that, always concerned about the situation behind him, so as not to accidentally break. 15 minutes every morning to go to achieve the best results.

3, self-heating, starting from the knee
Many media are telling you, away from the moderately air-conditioning, but you have daily access to high grade office building, as long working hours, you can not own to avoid close contact with the air conditioning, you want to sweat can be is a difficult question. Perhaps, then, can only choose to use high-tech means to stimulate the body joint of the fever, which indirectly led to the body sweating.
You need to do: You can choose a self-heating of the knee to the body, negative ions through the far-infrared heat, allowing the body heat from the place deep into the skin and deep decomposition of lipid peroxide and other harmful substances, and through the sweat vitro and exclusion, expansion of blood vessels , promote blood circulation, activate cells, regulation of nerve. Moreover, even in the heat and perspiration within the body, the people will not feel very hot, still can easily enjoy the sunny summer.

4, self-regulation cycle, diastolic pores
Now, no matter how the seasons change, people can feel the spring and a mild feeling, which makes the body's sensing capabilities for the season greatly reduced ability to adapt the old. Especially to the summer, self-wicking capabilities are diminished, while the house at home, take the initiative to train the body sweat, raise the body's ability to adapt the season's best time, please give your plan now!
You need to do: turn off the air conditioner regularly, maintain good indoor ventilation, quietly with their "live", the body's heat, the temperature of the cycle of self-regulating body, and always smooth. 5 minutes later, with the relaxation of the pores Khan will be excreted naturally in the summer insist that this state will not be living in the toxins in the body, promote healthy summer.

5, master the best time to stroll in the sun
"In summer the sun will tanning, sunburn, we must prevent sticking!" This is a lot of female friends in the summer sun declaration. But, my dear, the summer sunshine is the best for the body active sweat "active agent", but the sun is also rich in vitamin D, but also promote the absorption of calcium Competition. Of course, the sun tanning do not want to project, primarily "biological clock" to master.
You need to do this: the best sun exposure time is 6 am to 10 points and 4 pm to 6 a day, about 15 minutes drying. The two hours of sunshine was very warm, but not strong, and air pollution are the minimum. You might find an opportunity out of the room, walk in the sun, the body's energy is gradually activated, stimulating sweat "out of the" body. After walking, the body extremely smooth.

6, temperature deposited pores, stretch about
Want to take the initiative to let the body sweat more smooth, the pores of health is very important. In the summer, more need to properly relax, make it more "comfortable" for your service, and for the pores of the health care, you only need to prepare a warm wet towel.
You need to do: gently with warm towels were wrapped arms, legs, back, temperature and deposition were 5 minutes, this will soften the pores naturally the role of dirt, will not be exposed to dirt and obstruction. After the warm surface covered, finger gently massage the skin, promote the body metabolism, so that the pores can be more stretch, for the perspiration to provide barrier-free access.